GitHub Connector

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In this guide we describe the GitHub Connector wizard web interface.


GitHub Connector is a wizard to import GitHub project in a specific folder in the user workspace.

Select Credential

When the wizard start, you have to enter your GitHub credentials. The types of access are: Anonymous, Login and OAuth2.
Note that in case of large projects only OAuth2 supports downloading the entire project, and this is generally the preferred way.
GitHub Connector, Credential Basic
To access using Login or OAuth2 you must have a GitHub account. In the GitHub website you can create one
GitHub Connector, GitHub Create Accounting
In the case of OAuth2 you must have a token
GitHub Connector, Credential OAuth2
If you want to generate a token, the steps to follow are:
  1. Register and sign in on GitHub web site
  2. Go into Settings
  3. Generate a Token
GitHub Connector, GitHub Settings
GitHub Connector, GitHub Generate Token

Select Repository

After entering the credentials, you have to choose the owner and the name of the repository that you want to download.
GitHub Connector, Repository Selection
By clicking on Finish, the repository content will be downloaded to the required folder.

Who uses GitHub Connector