Data Consumption APIs

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gCube Data Consumption APIs provide access to the consumption facilities of the e-Infrastructure resources by facilitating the integration of technology external to the e-Infrastructure. Towards the directions of openness and interoperability, consumption APIs move along:

Key Features

Consistency across different client APIs
Uniformity for APIs across standalone framework layers in inputs and outpus, context management, fault management, operation modes provision, etc.
Transparent system integration
Design of APIs simplifying client usage, with respect to requirements specific to the system
Environment propagation
Operational information among services transparently propagated over a range of protocols (SOAP, HTTP/S, and more)
Testability ensuring
Design solutions that facilitate testing for clients
Support to standards
Crucial functionalities are accessible via recognized standards in order to enhance interoperability
Compatibility endorsement
Exploitation of framework simplifying building of modular systems


Data Consumption APIs are collectively delivered by the following sets of software subsystems:

Data Retrieval APIs

Data Manipulation APIs

Semantic Data Analysis APIs