The Tree Manager Framework

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The Tree Manager service may be called to persist or retrieve edge-labelled trees, either one at the time or many at once. Either way, the data is not necessarily stored locally to the service, or as trees. Instead, the data is most often held remotely, it is autonomously managed, and it is exposed by other services in a variety of forms and through different APIs.

The main value proposition of the service is that, in many cases and for many purposes, this variety of data sources may be ignored and the data uniformly accessed under a sufficiently general API and data model. This uniformity defines a basis for interoperability between service clients and data sources. It enables generic clients to implement cross-domain functions - including data indexing, transformation, discovery, transfer, browsing, viewing, etc. - over a single data model, against a single API, and with a consistent set of tools. Similar advantages can be granted to less generic clients that implement domain-specific or application-specific functions, provided that consensus is achieved around conventional uses of the tree model.

Within the service, uniformity is achieved with two-way transformations from the API and tree model of the service to those of the underlying data sources. Transformations are implemented in plugins, libraries developed in autonomy from the service so as to extend its capabilities at runtime. Service and plugins interact through a protocol defined by a set of local interfaces which, collectively, serve as a framework for plugin development. The framework is packaged as a stand-alone library, the tree-manager-framework, and is a dependency for both service and plugins.


The library and all its transitive dependencies are available in our Maven repositories. Plugins that are managed with Maven, can resolve them with a single dependency:


In what follows, we address the plugin developer and describe the framework in detail, illustrating also design options and best practices for plugin development.
