Storage Manager: Disaster recovery plan

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In this guide we'll offer a basic strategy for disaster recovery of storage cluster in production environment. The recovery is about files visible on the "workspace" component. The file metadata are managed by "JackRabbit" server. The metadata contains info on remote location in the storage cluster. If there are some files not found on the storage manager cluster present on jackRabbit server, these files can be restored by a storage backup server. Actually, the storage cluster (on production environment) have an evolutive backup strategy.


For restore the files lost we need the following components:

  • storage-transfer component: a java component able to transfer files from the backup storage to the producion storage cluster
  • backup server: the backup that we assume have the file lost
  • csv file: the file contains the remote path, and other information, on files lost

Storage transfer component

The storage-transfer library is a command line interface able to transfer files from a backup server to the production environment. The library uses a "csv" file where are described all the files that we want transfer. In the next paragraph will be described the "csv" format. The input parameters are:

  • ip of backup server
  • path to the csv file

Backup server

The backup server is a mongoDB server restored from a backup of a production node. Once the machine is ready, you can proceed with the configuration of the machine and then subsequently launch it. For the server configuration, we have to edit the MongoDB configuration file and disable the "replicaSet" member:

csv file

The fields of the csv file must be the following:

  • JackRabbit path
  • RemotePath on the storage

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