Species Product Discovery: client library

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This client library allows user to contact the Species Product Discovery Service.

The spd-client-library is a client library for the Species Product Discovery Service. It helps clients interacting with the service and processing result. This library is part of the FeatherWeight Stack.


The maven coordinates to get the spd-client-library is:


the latest released version is : 2.0.0

the latest under development version is : 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT


The spd-cl is divided into 4 parts:

  • QueryManager: helps clients submitting queries to the service;
  • OccurrencesManager: helps clients retrieving occurrences and generating maps using retrieved occurrences;
  • TaxonManager: help clients retrieving taxa and their ancestor by ids.
  • ExecutorManager: helps clients submitting jobs to the system.

QueryManager API

  • public Stream<ResultElement> search(String query) throws InvalidQueryException, UnsupportedPluginException;

This method is used to submit a query to the system. The query MUST be defined following the SPQL grammar.

  • public List<PluginDescription> getPluginsDescription();

This method is used to get the list of all external repositories available in the infrastructure and their capabilities.


Manager manager = manager().withTimeout(3, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build();
//returns all taxa points for  Melastomataceae found in CatalogueOfLife
Stream<ResultElement> stream = manager.search(" 'Melastomataceae' as SN in CatalogueOfLife return Taxon");
while (stream.hasNext()){
     TaxonomyItem ti = (TaxonomyItem) stream.next();
Manager manager = manager().withTimeout(3, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build();
//returns all occurrence points for  Melastomataceae found in all external repositories
Stream<ResultElement> stream = manager.search(" 'Melastomataceae' as SN return Occurrence");
while (stream.hasNext()){
     OccurrencePoint ti = (OccurrencePoint) stream.next();
Manager manager = manager().withTimeout(3, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build();
//returns all results (grouped by DataSet) for common name Shark with at least 1 occurrence found in Obis or GBIF
Stream<ResultElement> stream = manager.search(" 'Shark' as CN in Obis, GBIF return * HAVING Occurrence");
while (stream.hasNext()){
     ResultItem ti = (ResultItem) stream.next();

Manager manager = manager().build();
List<PluginDescription> pluginDescriptions = manager.getPluginsDescription();
for (PluginDescription description : pluginDescriptions){