Resource Management Installation

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Revision as of 01:48, 17 July 2009 by Manuele.simi (Talk | contribs) (Installation)

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The gHNManager is a Local Service shipped and installed within the gHN distribution.

gHN Configuration

No specific configuration is needed, but the usual gHN's one

Instance Configuration

The service instance does not require any specific configuration. As Local Service, it automatically joins all the gHN scopes.

Verify the Installation

Once the gHN is started, the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/nohup.out file has to report (among the others) the following portType:

gHN started at: http://host:port/wsrf/services/ with the following services:

[3]: http://host:port/wsrf/services/gcube/common/vremanagement/GHNManager

Looking at the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/logs/container.fullog, the following messages related to the gHNManager initialisation have to be observed:

2009-07-06 16:08:04,329 INFO  contexts.ServiceContext [GHNManager-Initialiser,info:78] [0.0s] GHNManager: Added scope(s) [/testing]
2009-07-06 16:08:04,329 INFO  contexts.ServiceContext [GHNManager-Initialiser,info:78] [0.0010s] GHNManager: INITIALISING RUNNING INSTANCE
2009-07-06 16:08:04,479 TRACE contexts.ServiceContext [GHNManager-Initialiser,trace:82] [0.151s] GHNManager: loading RI profile
2009-07-06 16:08:04,490 INFO  contexts.ServiceContext [GHNManager-Initialiser,info:78] [0.162s] GHNManager: Added scope(s) [/testing, /testing/vo1]
2009-07-06 16:08:04,495 INFO  contexts.ServiceContext [GHNManager-Initialiser,info:78] [0.167s] GHNManager: managing security with a GCUBESimpleServiceSecurityManager
2009-07-06 16:08:04,497 INFO  contexts.ServiceContext [GHNManager-Initialiser,info:78] [0.169s] GHNManager: managing remote persistence with a GCUBERINoPersistenceManager
2009-07-06 16:08:04,500 INFO  contexts.GHNContext [GHNManager-Initialiser,info:78] [0.997s] GHNContext: REGISTERED RI OF (VREMANAGEMENT,GHNMANAGER)
2009-07-06 16:08:04,538 INFO  contexts.ServiceContext [GHNManager-Initialiser,info:78] [0.21s] GHNManager: moved to status INITIALISED
2009-07-06 16:08:04,542 DEBUG contexts.ServiceContext [GHNConsumer$<anon>,debug:66] [0.0s] GHNManager: UPDATE event received
2009-07-06 16:08:04,744 INFO  contexts.ServiceContext [GHNManager-Subscriber,info:78] [0.0s] GHNManager: registering for GHN shutdown events
2009-07-06 16:08:04,745 INFO  contexts.ServiceContext [GHNManager-Subscriber,info:78] [0.0010s] GHNManager: registering for GHN scope events as a local service
2009-07-06 16:08:04,790 TRACE impl.GHNManager [PortTypeConsumer,trace:82] [0.0s] GHNManager: INITIALISING PORTTYPE GHNMANAGER

Afterward, per each gHN scope, the following messages related to the gHN profile publication have to be reported in the same log file:

2009-07-06 16:08:04,542 DEBUG contexts.ServiceContext [GHNConsumer$<anon>,debug:66] [0.0s] GHNManager: UPDATE event received
2009-07-06 16:08:04,544 DEBUG contexts.ServiceContext [GHNConsumer$<anon>,debug:66] [0.0020s] GHNManager: Publishing GHN profile in scope /testing
2009-07-06 16:08:04,551 TRACE impl.GCUBEProfileManager [GHNConsumer$<anon>,trace:82] GCUBEProfileManager: Trying to update resource with ID=0722bbe0-50f5-11de-aea3-d209846ff30b in 
scope /testing
2009-07-06 16:08:04,586 TRACE scope.GCUBEScopeManagerImpl [GHNConsumer$<anon>,trace:82] GCUBEScopeManagerImpl: Setting scope /testing in Thread[GHNConsumer$<anon>,5,main]
2009-07-06 16:08:04,586 INFO  tasks.ISRegistryServiceUpdaterHandler [GHNConsumer$<anon>,info:78] ISRegistryServiceUpdaterHandler: looking for instances of ISRegistry ServiceHandler
2009-07-06 16:08:04,587 TRACE tasks.ISRegistryServiceUpdaterHandler [GHNConsumer$<anon>,trace:82] ISRegistryServiceUpdaterHandler: Refreshing Registry instances
2009-07-06 16:08:04,588 TRACE tasks.ISRegistryLookup [GHNConsumer$<anon>,trace:82] ISRegistryLookup: Querying the IS for Registry instances
2009-07-06 16:08:05,102 TRACE tasks.ISRegistryServiceUpdaterHandler [GHNConsumer$<anon>,trace:82] ISRegistryServiceUpdaterHandler: Connecting to the IS-Registry instance 
located at
2009-07-06 16:08:05,244 INFO  contexts.GCUBERemotePortTypeContext$1 [GHNConsumer$<anon>,info:78] : Preparing call to service InformationSystem,IS-Registry in scope /testing 
2009-07-06 16:08:05,592 TRACE impl.GCUBEProfileManager [GHNConsumer$<anon>,trace:82] GCUBEProfileManager: Resource with ID=0722bbe0-50f5-11de-aea3-d209846ff30b successfully updated



The Deployer is a Local Service shipped and installed within the gHN distribution.

gHN Configuration

No specific configuration is needed, but the usual gHN's one.

Instance Configuration

The service instance does not require any specific configuration. As Local Service, it automatically joins all the gHN scopes.

Verify the Installation

Once the gHN is started, the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/nohup.out file has to report (among the others) the following portType:

gHN started at: http://host:port/wsrf/services/ with the following services:
[3]: http://host:port/wsrf/services/gcube/common/vremanagement/Deployer

Looking at the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/logs/container.fullog, the following messages related to the Deployer initialisation have to be observed:

2009-07-06 16:08:05,538 INFO  contexts.ServiceContext [Deployer-Initialiser,info:78] [0.0s] Deployer: Added scope(s) [/testing]
2009-07-06 16:08:05,538 INFO  contexts.ServiceContext [Deployer-Initialiser,info:78] [0.0s] Deployer: INITIALISING RUNNING INSTANCE
2009-07-06 16:08:05,539 TRACE contexts.ServiceContext [Deployer-Initialiser,trace:82] [0.0010s] Deployer: loading RI profile
2009-07-06 16:08:05,542 INFO  contexts.ServiceContext [Deployer-Initialiser,info:78] [0.0040s] Deployer: Added scope(s) [/testing, /testing/vo1]
2009-07-06 16:08:05,543 INFO  contexts.ServiceContext [Deployer-Initialiser,info:78] [0.0050s] Deployer: managing security with a GCUBESimpleServiceSecurityManager
2009-07-06 16:08:05,543 INFO  contexts.ServiceContext [Deployer-Initialiser,info:78] [0.0050s] Deployer: managing remote persistence with a GCUBERINoPersistenceManager
2009-07-06 16:08:05,544 INFO  contexts.GHNContext [Deployer-Initialiser,info:78] [0.0s] GHNContext: REGISTERED RI OF (VREMANAGEMENT,DEPLOYER)
2009-07-06 16:08:05,544 INFO  impl.ServiceContext [VREModeler-Subscriber,info:78] [0.0s] VREModeler: registering for GHN shutdown events
2009-07-06 16:08:05,545 INFO  impl.ServiceContext [VREModeler-Subscriber,info:78] [0.0s] VREModeler: registering for GHN scope removal events
2009-07-06 16:08:05,545 INFO  contexts.ServiceContext [Deployer-Initialiser,info:78] [0.0070s] Deployer: moved to status INITIALISED
2009-07-06 16:08:05,550 INFO  contexts.ServiceContext [Deployer-Subscriber,info:78] [0.0s] Deployer: registering for GHN shutdown events
2009-07-06 16:08:05,550 INFO  contexts.ServiceContext [Deployer-Subscriber,info:78] [0.0010s] Deployer: registering for GHN scope events as a local service
2009-07-06 16:08:05,551 TRACE impl.Deployer [PortTypeConsumer,trace:82] [0.0s] Deployer: INITIALISING PORTTYPE DEPLOYER



The VREManager is typically installed in two ways:

  • statically, for infrastructure and VO scopes
here the service is deployed on a gHN as any other gCube Service by typing:
gcore-deploy-service <path>/org.gcube.vremanagement.vremanager.gar
The command above assumes that the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/bin folder is in your PATH
  • dynamically, for VRE scopes
in this case, it is the VREModeler service that takes care of the installation and its settings. Typically, the VREManager is installed as first step of the VRE creation process.

gHN Configuration

No specific configuration is needed, but the usual gHN's one.

Instance Configuration

The VREManager is a scope-specific service, meaning that it must join one and only one scope. Therefore, it must be configured properly to behave in the assigned scope. In the case of a dynamically deployed instance, the appropriate configuration is automatically done by the Deployer service.

In the case of a statically deployed instance, its JNDI file ($GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/org.gcube.vremanagement.vremanager/jndi-config.xml) must be configured to join only one scope. In the following example, the instance (startScopes environment variable) is configured to join the scope named /testing/vo1:

<jndiConfig xmlns="">
     <service name="gcube/vremanagement/VREManager/service">
              override="false" />
              override="false" />
              override="false" />
      <service name="gcube/vremanagement/VREManager">
              override="false" />
           <resource name="home" type="org.gcube.vremanagement.vremanager.impl.state.VREManagerHome">


Verify the Installation

Once the gHN is started, the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/nohup.out file has to report (among the others) the following portType:

gHN started at: http://host:port/wsrf/services/ with the following services:
[5]: http://host:port/wsrf/services/gcube/vremanagement/VREManager

Looking at the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/logs/container.fullog, the following messages related to the VREManager initialisation have to be observed:



Software Repository


The Software Repository can be deployed on a gHN as any other gCube Service by typing:

gcore-deploy-service <path>/org.gcube.vremanagement.softwarerepository.gar

The command above assumes that the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/bin folder is in your PATH.

In addition, it requires that the following software are available in the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/lib folder:

All of them can be downloaded from Software Distribution Site, while the installation instructions are available in their websites.

gHN Configuration


Instance Configuration


Verify the Installation





gHN Configuration


Instance Configuration


Verify the Installation