Release Integration

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Preliminary steps

In order to develop a new component for gCube, the developer must perform the following steps:

  • Make sure the maven-parent 1.2.0 is used as parent pom
  • Upgrade and test the component in the development environment
  • Deploy the SNAPSHOT version on gcube-snapshots repository
  • Make sure the Git repository of the component is set up with a working CI webhook
  • Make sure the scm section is present in your pom

Release Preparation

In order to prepare a new component for the integration within a gCube release, the developer must perform the following steps:

  • Align the component's repo content to the templates defined here:
    • IMPORTANT: the file must have a section that 'tags' the work done in the current release. This tag is expected in the format '[v<version>] - <date>'. See the template.
  • Remove the -SNAPSHOT postfix from the version in the pom on the master branch
  • Make sure the related JenkinsJob is pointing to the master branch
  • Create a new subticket of "gCube Release Next" defined here:
    • The subject ticket must uniquely identify the component
    • When the all these steps have been completed the ticket can be set to Available state.

Then, the Release Manager is in charge to add all the Available tickets to the new Release and the integration phase of the release can start.

  • During the integration phase, the master branch of each component under release must be frozen until the release is declared closed by Release Manager. As per feature branching policy, any work must be performed in a separate feature or fix branch.