Ontology Editing Portlet

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Through the Ontology Editing Portlet, the users of a VO/VRE can manage ontology models in a fine grained manner. To this end, it provides the interface for managing ontology individuals, property values and relationships between individuals. The information desplayed in the portlet corresponds to a specific gCube information object. As a concequence, the portal user can be led to this portlet after selecting to edit the concepts of an information object (that has come as a result from a search or that is stored in the user's workspace) within an ontology domain and the relationships between those.

The functionality provided by the portlet is organized in 4 main sections of its layout. On the top horizontal area of the portlet, the user can see the available information displayed about the corresponding object. This information includes the name of the object and the list of the classes of which this object is an instance. Through this area, the user can also see the content of the object and/or remove its instances. Below the space with the object information the user can select one of the available ontologies that have been imported in the selected scope. The information for the selected ontology (its schema, its instances and the properties for each instance) is then organized in three separate spaces. On the left of the portlet the schema of the ontology is being loaded. When clicking on the individual classes of the ontologies on the tree hierarchy, the number of instances existing for this class is displayed next to the class name and the names of those instances are shown in the middle space of the portlet. Furthermore, when selecting a class from the tree, the user can select to add the corresponding gCube object as an instance of this class. This can be achieved by clicking on the "Annotate" button above the instances area (as the added relationship for our digital object within the ontology can be considered as a gCube annotation for it).


In the middle space of the portlets, where the instances of each individual class are displayed, the user can select on an individual and change the relationship between the individual and the gCube digital object or edit is object and datatype properties within the ontology.