Interaction with SDI-Service

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SDI-Service is a REST service aimed to offer a simplified interface to SDI administration over the infrastructure and to most common use cases in dealing with geospatial data. This page illustrates the interface exposed by the service and how to interact with it.


REST Invocation

SDI-Service is a SmartGears web application offering a REST interface, thus it can be invoked with simple HTTP requests. Every HTTP request to the service must contain a proper gcube-token property (as HTTP header or as query string parameter) in order to be authenticated and authorized. See #REST Interface for interface description.

JAVA Clients

For Java applications, a client library is distributed along with the service. The library facilitates the interaction with the service, automatically dealing with token and providing both an object model and a better fault management (see #Client library for more details). Such library is distributed as a maven artifact with the following coordinates


REST Interface

This section describes the interfaces exposed by SDI-Service and how to interact with it with HTTP requests. It is required that every request is authorized, meaning that it must contain a proper gcube token (see details here).

The base path for every request is : https://<HOSTNAME>/sdi-service/gcube/service/

Global configuration

GeoServer Configuration

Credentials on specific Host

Client Library