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Revision as of 11:47, 27 April 2009 by Lucio.lelii (Talk | contribs) (Interface)

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  • public <T extends BaseNotificationConsumer> void registerToISNotification(List<QName> notifications, T consumer, GCUBESecurityManager manager, GCUBEScope ... scope) throws ISNotifierException – this method registers a entity of type T (consumer) for a list of QName representing the topics (notifications) in selected Scopes (scope) with a GCUBESecurityManager (manager) in the IS-Notifier;
  • public void unregisterFromISNotification(List<QName> notifications, GCUBESecurityManager manager, GCUBEScope ... scope) throws ISNotifierException – unregister the consumer for a list of Topics represented by QNames (notifications) from the IS-Notifier in the selected scopes (scope) with a GCUBESecurityManager (manager);
  • unregisterFromISNotification() – which takes as input parameter a message containing the topic producer (actually its EPR), a list of topics, an operational scope and a security manager and un-registers such topics from the IS-Notifier;
  • unregisterISNotification() – which takes as input parameter a message containing the topic producer (actually its EPR), a list of topics, an operational scope and a security manager and un-registers such topics from the IS-Notifier;
