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The IS-InformationCollector is a gCube service in charge of aggregating the information published by the gCube services belonging an infrastructure or a subset of it (this depends on the infrastructure configuration).

Major features of the service are:

  • storage, indexing, and management of gCube Resources profiles
  • storage, indexing, and management of instances' states in the form of WS-ResourceProperties documents
  • storage, indexing, and management of well-formed XML documents
  • full XQuery 1.0 support over the collected information
  • remote management of the underlying XMLStorage

It plays a crucial role on an infrastructure, since it provides to clients a continuously updated picture of the infrastructure and its state. Responsiveness is also a key point of the service: many queries are sent to the InformationCollector during online operations and any delay introduces by the query processing is immediately reflected on any aspect of the system.

Historically, the service was conceived as an aggregator service, able to create Aggregator Sinks that query remote Aggregator Sources (in particular QueryAggregatorSources, as those created by the IS-Publisher) to harvest resource properties.

Version 3.0 features a new WS-DAIX compliant interface proving a more general approach to the feeding phase.


As wrote, IS-InformationCollector is capable to handle three class of documents. Two of them, gCube Resource profiles and instance's states, have a specific semantic in the infrastructure since:

  • gCube Resource profiles are the manifestation of gCube Resource and allow interested client to discover such resources
  • instance's states, in the form of WS-ResourceProperties document, are views on the state of instance of gCube services

Because of this semantic, the two classes of resource require some extra-information for their correct management. In particular, the to-be-stored documents has to come along with a metadata record reporting information about the publisher and the resource lifetime. The record must have the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <Namespace>URI </Namespace>

It gives to the service the information about:

  • the type of the resource (Profile or Instance State)
  • the URL of the publisher service (Source)
  • the lifetime (TimeToLive) of the resource in seconds, which is added to the time the service receives the document (this is valid only for instance states published in push mode)
  • the service group resource, identified by the GroupKey and EntryKey element (this is valid only for instance states published through the Sink port-type)
  • the namespace of the WSDL in which the resource was defined (this is valid only for instance states)
  • the publication mode, push if the resource is pushed at each change, pull if it is periodically sent to the service (this is valid only for instance states)

This information are then wrapped around the source document and indexed.

The resulting document looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <TerminationTimeHuman>Tue Oct 26 15:26:38 GMT+01:00 2010</TerminationTimeHuman>
  <LastUpdateHuman>Tue Oct 26 15:16:38 GMT+01:00 2010</LastUpdateHuman>
    <Resource xmlns="" version="0.4.x">
        <!-- the profile section is here -->

This allows to:

  • have more enriched queries based also on the publisher's data
  • manage the termination time of the resource by relying on the time machine of the node hosting the Collector instance (the TimeToLive in seconds is added to the last update time in order to obtain an absolute expiration time of the document), by avoiding problems due to different timezones in the infrastructure.

About the target collection in which the document will be stored:

  • the collection is automatically derived (and created, if needed) starting from the document type and the information included in the document itself
  • the collection name reported in the invocation to the AddDocuments operation is therefore ignored

If a document comes alone, i.e. without a metadata record, it is treated as a generic XML documents and stored in the target collection indicated in the addDocuments invocation.

XML Indexing

The IS-InformationCollector uses an embedded instance of eXist 1.2 to index XML data according to the XML data model and offers efficient, index-based XQuery processing. The documents are stored in collections following this structure:

|- Profiles
|    |-<type1>
|    |-<type2>
|    |- ..
|    |-<typeN>
|- Properties
|- <User defined collection(s)>
|    |- <User defined sub-collection(s)>

Profiles and Properties collections are reserved to store respectively gCube resource's profiles and instance's states. Under the Profiles collection, a sub-collection with the resource type name is created whenever a new type is detected in a to-be-stored profile. Moreover, a client may define his own structure of collection and sub-collections and store, index and query there his documents via the XMLCollectionAccess port-type. This hierarchy of collections and sub-collections must be kept in mind when constructing a query expression to execute via the XMLQueryAccess.

Periodic exports (as zipped archives) of the XML database content are performed for backup purposes. The behavior of this activity can be configured in the JNDI file. The following section of the JNDI file shows the parameters that may be used to define where, when and how many backups are managed:

<service name="gcube/informationsystem/collector">
    <!-- ... -->
	<environment name="backupDir" value="existICBackups" type="java.lang.String"
			override="false" />
	<environment name="maxBackups" value="10" type="java.lang.String"
			override="false" />
	<environment name="scheduledBackupInHours" value="12"
			type="java.lang.String" override="false" />

In this example, backups are done every 12 hours and stored under the $HOME/.gcore/... /existICBackups folder. 10 backups are maintained and when a new one is available, the oldest one is discarded. If an absolute path is indicated as backupDir, the backups are not stored under the gCore persistent folder.


The functionalities delivered by the service are logically organized across 5 port-types:

Figure 1. IS-Collector port-types


  • XMLCollectionAccess, Sink and SinkEntry are dedicated to the publishing phase
  • XMLQueryAccess allows to execute XQuery expression over the instance's content
  • XMLStorageAcess is used to remotely manage the XML Storage underlying the service instance

XMLCollectionAccess port-type

The XMLCollectionAccess port-type has been added from version 3.0 on of the InformationCollector. It defines the feeding phase of the service following the the XML Realization (WS-DAIX) Specification, Version 1.0 of the Web Services Data Access and Integration. It exposes the following operations:

  • addDocuments
  • removeDocuments
  • getDocuments
  • createSubcollection
  • removeSubcollection
  • addSchema
  • removeSchema

Each operation works on the embedded XML database instance to satisfy the client's request. The last two operations (addSchema and removeSchema) throw a NotAuthorizedFaultType because schema are not supported in version 3.0.

Note that the removeSubcollection operation removes the entire content of the selected subcollection.

Operation: addDocuments

The addDocuments operation accepts a list of new XML documents and eventually a list (of the same cardinality) of metadata records. An existing target Collection must be also specified in case of generic XML documents.

Interaction with the addDocuments operation is illustrated with the example below:

import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.metadata.MetadataRecord.TYPE;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.wsdai.DataResourceUnavailableFaultType;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.wsdai.InvalidResourceNameFaultType;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.wsdai.NotAuthorizedFaultType;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.wsdai.ServiceBusyFaultType;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.wsdaix.AddDocumentRequestWrapper;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.wsdaix.AddDocumentsRequest;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.wsdaix.AddDocumentsResponse;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.wsdaix.InvalidCollectionNameFaultType;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.wsdaix.XMLCollectionAccessPT;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.wsdaix.XMLWrapperType;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.wsdaix.service.WsdaixServiceAddressingLocator;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
protected static void addDocuments(String host, int port, GCUBEScope scope, URI collectionURI,
	    String[] documentNames, Document[] documents, Document[] metadata) throws Exception {
        String portTypeURI = "http://" + host + ":" + port + "/wsrf/services/gcube/informationsystem/collector/wsdaix/XMLCollectionAccess";
        XMLCollectionAccessPT sink = null;
	try {
	    sink = new WsdaixServiceAddressingLocator().getXMLCollectionAccessPTPort(new URL(portTypeURI));
	    sink = GCUBERemotePortTypeContext.getProxy(stubs, scope);
	} catch (Exception e) {
	    logger.error("Failed to create the port-type instance", e);
	logger.trace("Sending resource to " + sink.getAddress().toString());
	AddDocumentsRequest request = new AddDocumentsRequest();
	request.setDataResourceAbstractName(new org.apache.axis.types.URI("gcube://unused"));
	AddDocumentRequestWrapper[] wrappers = new AddDocumentRequestWrapper[documentNames.length];
	for (int i=0; i < documentNames.length; i++) {
        	wrappers[i] = new AddDocumentRequestWrapper();
        	XMLWrapperType wrapper = new XMLWrapperType();
        	MessageElement msgElement = new MessageElement(Constants.CORE_NS, "ISPublisher", documents[i]);
        	if (metadata != null) {
                	MessageElement msgElement2;
                	try {
                	    msgElement2 = new MessageElement(Constants.CORE_NS, "ISPublisher", metadata[i].getDocumentElement());
                	    wrapper.set_any(new MessageElement[] { msgElement, msgElement2 });
                	} catch (Exception e) {
                	    logger.error("Unable to add the document metadata for " + documentNames[i], e);
                	    throw e;
        	} else {
        	    wrapper.set_any(new MessageElement[] { msgElement });
	XMLCollectionAccessPT stubs = null;
	try {
	    stubs = new WsdaixServiceAddressingLocator().getXMLCollectionAccessPTPort(sink);
	    stubs = GCUBERemotePortTypeContext.getProxy(stubs, scope, getTimeout());
	} catch (Exception e) {
	    logger.error("Failed to add document " + documentNames[0], e);
	AddDocumentsResponse response = stubs.addDocuments(request);
	logger.trace("Number of response wrappers " + response.getAddDocumentResponseWrapper().length);
	String sresponse = null;
	for (int i = 0; i < response.getAddDocumentResponseWrapper().length; i++) {
	    sresponse = response.getAddDocumentResponseWrapper()[i].getResponse().toString();
	    logger.trace("Returned response for " + response.getAddDocumentResponseWrapper()[i].getDocumentName() + ": " + sresponse);
Adding an new Instance State

In order to add a new instance state, the related metadata record has to be created firstly. For this purpose, the MetadataWriter utility distributed with the IC stubs can be used:

import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.metadata.MetadataRecord;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.metadata.MetadataWriter;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.metadata.MetadataRecord.TYPE;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
GCUBEWSResource resource = ... ;
MetadataWriter writer = new MetadataWriter(TYPE.INSTANCESTATE, 
        resource.getEPR().getAddress().toString(), //URI of the service to which the resource belongs to
	600, //time to live in seconds 
        "groupkey", //unused field 
        resource.getID().getValue(), //resource id
        "entrykey",  //unused field
	resource.getID().getName().getNamespaceURI(), //resource namespace as defined in the WSDL
	"push"); //publication mode
Document metadata = writer.getRecord().getAsDocument();

Then, the addDocuments method (illustrated above) can be invoked as follows:

GCUBEWSResource resource = ...;
GCUBEScope scope = ...;
addDocuments(<host>, <port> scope, new org.apache.axis.types.URI("gcube://properties"), 
        new String[]{resource.getID()}, new Document[]{resource.getDocument()}, new Document[]{metadata});
Adding an new gCube Resource profile

As in the previous case, the metadata record has to be created firstly with the MetadataWriter utility:

import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.metadata.MetadataRecord;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.metadata.MetadataWriter;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.metadata.MetadataRecord.TYPE;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
GCUBEWSResource resource = ... ;
MetadataWriter writer = new MetadataWriter(TYPE.GCUBERESOURCE, 
        GHNContext.getContext().getBaseURL(), // the source gHN
	0 //time to live in seconds
Document metadata = writer.getRecord().getAsDocument();

Then, the addDocuments method (illustrated above) can be invoked as follows:

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.gcube.common.core.resources.GCUBEResource;
GCUBEResource resource = ...;
GCUBEScope scope = ...;
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();;
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
StringReader reader = new StringReader(writer.toString());	
addDocuments(<host>, <port> scope, new org.apache.axis.types.URI("gcube://profiles/"+resource.getType()), 
        new String[]{resource.getID()}, new Document[]{builder.parse(new InputSource(reader))}, new Document[]{metadata});
Adding an new XML document

Adding a new XML document does not require an associated metadata record. The only constrain is that the target collection must be previously created with the createSubcollection operation.

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
Document document = ...;
String id = "myID";
String myCollectionName = "parent/child";
addDocuments(<host>, <port> scope, new org.apache.axis.types.URI("gcube://" + myCollectionName), 
        new String[]{id}, new Document[]{document}, null;

XQueryAccess portType

Querying the data

The XQueryExecute operation exposed by the XQueryAccess portType to query the IS-Collector can be invoked as follows:

package org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.testsuite;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import org.gcube.common.core.contexts.GCUBERemotePortTypeContext;
import org.gcube.common.core.scope.GCUBEScope;
import org.gcube.common.core.utils.logging.GCUBEClientLog;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.XQueryAccessPortType;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.XQueryExecuteRequest;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.XQueryExecuteResponse;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.XQueryFaultType;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.collector.stubs.service.XQueryAccessServiceLocator;
 * Tester for <em>XQueryExecute</em> operation of the <em>gcube/informationsystem/collector/XQueryAccess</em> portType
 * @author Manuele Simi (ISTI-CNR)
public class XQueryExecuteTester {    
    private static GCUBEClientLog logger = new GCUBEClientLog(XQueryExecuteTester.class);
     * @param args 
     *  <ul>
     *   <li> IC host
     *   <li> IC port
     *   <li> Caller Scope
     *   <li> File including the XQuery to submit
     *  </ul>
    public static void main(String[] args) {
	if (args.length != 4) {
	    logger.fatal("Usage: XQueryExecuteTester <host> <port> <Scope> <XQueryExpressionFile>" );
	String portTypeURI = "http://"+args[0]+":"+ args[1]+"/wsrf/services/gcube/informationsystem/collector/XQueryAccess";
	XQueryAccessPortType port = null;
	try {
	    port = new XQueryAccessServiceLocator().getXQueryAccessPortTypePort(new URL(portTypeURI));
	    port = GCUBERemotePortTypeContext.getProxy(port, GCUBEScope.getScope(args[2]));
	} catch (Exception e) {
	XQueryExecuteRequest request = new XQueryExecuteRequest();
	try {"Submitting query in scope " + GCUBEScope.getScope(args[2]).getName() + "....");
	    XQueryExecuteResponse response = port.XQueryExecute(request);"Number of returned records: " + response.getSize());"Dataset: \n" + response.getDataset());
	} catch (XQueryFaultType e) {
	    logger.error("XQuery Fault Error received", e);	    	    
	} catch (RemoteException e) {
    /** reads the input fileaname*/
    private static String readQuery(final String filename) {
	String queryString = null;
	try {
	    BufferedReader input =  new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
	    StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
	    String line;
	    while (( line = input.readLine()) != null){
	    queryString = contents.toString();
	} catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
	    logger.fatal("invalid file: " + filename);
	} catch (IOException e) {
	    logger.fatal("an error occurred when reading " + filename);
	return queryString;
Sample queries


Sink portType

Registering a new resource

A sample registration file:

    <!-- Specifies that the registration will be renewed every 60 seconds -->
    <!-- <Content> specifies registration specific information -->
    <Content xsi:type="agg:AggregatorContent" xmlns:agg="">        
                <!-- Polling interval -->
                <!-- Resource names-->

A sample Registration class:

import org.globus.wsrf.encoding.ObjectDeserializer;
import org.globus.wsrf.impl.servicegroup.client.ServiceGroupRegistrationClient;
import org.globus.wsrf.impl.servicegroup.client.ServiceGroupRegistrationClientCallback;
import org.globus.wsrf.utils.XmlUtils;
import org.globus.mds.servicegroup.client.ServiceGroupRegistrationParameters;
import org.apache.axis.message.addressing.EndpointReferenceType;
import commonj.timers.Timer;
 * Registration class for Aggregator Resources
 * @author Manuele Simi (ISTI-CNR)
public class Registration implements ServiceGroupRegistrationClientCallback {
 private final EndpointReferenceType source; // the SOURCE endpoint
 private final EndpointReferenceType sink; // the SINK endpoint, e.g.
 private String registrationFile = "...";// the content of the registration file
 public void register() {
	byte[] bArray =  this.registrationFile.getBytes();
	ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bArray);
	Document doc = XmlUtils.newDocument(bais);
	 // setting parameters for this registration
	ServiceGroupRegistrationParameters params = (ServiceGroupRegistrationParameters) ObjectDeserializer.toObject(doc.getDocumentElement(),
	 // create a serviceGroupRegistration Client for registration
	ServiceGroupRegistrationClient client = new ServiceGroupRegistrationClient();	    
	 // subscribe to receive registration status messages
	  * The client creates a SinkEntry in the appropriate target WS-ServiceGroup. Then, it periodically attempts to renew WS-ResourceLifetime lifetime extension on the
	  * SinkEntry. If the client detects that the SinkEntry no longer available, it will create a new one.
	 Timer timer = client.register(params, 1000);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see org.globus.wsrf.impl.servicegroup.client.ServiceGroupRegistrationClientCallback#setRegistrationStatus(
     *    org.globus.mds.servicegroup.client.ServiceGroupRegistrationParameters, boolean, boolean,java.lang.Exception)
    public boolean setRegistrationStatus(ServiceGroupRegistrationParameters regParams, boolean wasSuccessful, boolean wasRenewalAttempt, Exception exception) {
      if (wasSuccessful) {
	    if (wasRenewalAttempt) {
		logger.trace("Renewal of the existing registration completed successfully");
	    } else {
		logger.trace("New registration completed successfully");
	} else {
            logger.error("Registration failed");

Sample Usage



The IS-Collector comes with a test-suite package allowing to test its administration functionalities (mainly the XMLStorageAccess portType).The test-suite is completely independent and does not require any other gCube package, except than a local gCore installation. The package is composed by a set of classes, sample configuration files and scripts ready to be executed.


Each script allows to test a different service's operation or group of operations logically related. In the following, an explanation of each script and its usage is provided.

Storing new Documents

Storing a new gCube Document

Invoke the tester with the following arguments: <host> <port> <scope> <ProfileID> <filename> Profile

Storing a new Instance State Document

Invoke the tester with the following arguments: <host> <port> <scope> <StateID> <filename> InstanceState

Storing a new DAIX Resource Document

Invoke the tester with the following arguments: <host> <port> <scope> <ProfileID> <filename> <targetCollectionName>

Retrieving Documents

Getting a gCube Document

Invoke the tester with the following arguments: <host> <port> <scope> gcube://Profiles/<ProfileType> <ProfileID>

Getting an Instance State Document

Invoke the tester with the following arguments: <host> <port> <scope> gcube://Properties <StateID>

Getting an DAIX Resource Document

Invoke the tester with the following arguments: <host> <port> <scope> gcube://<collectionName> <ResourceID>

Managing the XML Storage

Requesting the XML Storage backup

The script invokes the Backup operation of the XMLStorageAccess portType and requests an immediate backup of the XML Storage. It has to be executed as follows:

./ <IS-Collector host> <IS-Collector port> <scope>

Restoring the latest XML Storage backup

The script invokes the Restore operation of the XMLStorageAccess portType and requests the restore of the latest backup of the XML Storage available. It has to be executed as follows:

./ <IS-Collector host> <IS-Collector port> <scope>

Shutting down the XML Storage

The script invokes the Shutdown operation of the XMLStorageAccess portType and requests the shutdown of any connection with the XML Storage available. This could be helpful to call before to stop the container on the node in order to have a gently shutdown of the instance. It has to be executed as follows:

./ <IS-Collector host> <IS-Collector port> <scope>

Reconnecting the XML Storage

The script invokes the Connect operation of the XMLStorageAccess portType and requests to reopen the needed connections to the XML Storage previously closed with a Shutdown call. It has to be executed as follows:

./ <IS-Collector host> <IS-Collector port> <scope>