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==Extend DILIGENT authorization==
==Extend DILIGENT authorization==
'''''COMING SOON'''''
===Check for Authorization using the VOQuery API library===
===Check for Authorization using the VOQuery API library===

Revision as of 10:25, 24 May 2007

This page contains useful information for DILIGENT developers about configuration of services to comply with the DILIGENT Security Model.

Configure service authentication

This configuration protect the service against unauthenticated access, setting it each client is forced to present valid credentials. Please notice that with these settings authorization is still not enforced on the service. This means that every authenticated client is entitled to use service operations.

Create Web Service Security Descriptor (WSSD)

Create the Web Service Security Descriptor. A different security descriptor file should be created for each interface of your service in the etc/ directory of your service. See Media:YourService-security-config-1.xml for an example.

Modify Web Service Deployment Descriptor (WSDD)

Modify the Web Service Deployment Descriptor to refer the Web Service Security Descriptor. Add following line to the service tag:

<parameter name="securityDescriptor" value="@config.dir@/YourService-security-config.xml"/> 

(of course the value must be set to the name of the WSSD you just created) See Media:deploy-server-1.wsdd for an example

Then redeploy your service in the DHN container.

Access a service using authentication

In this step you'll try to access your service with a client using authentication. This step assumes the service has been deployed in a container able to host secure services. The How To Configure DHN Security page describes steps needed to set-up such a container.

First of all try to contact your service using an unauthenticated client, you should get following Axis fault:

... GSI Secure Conversation authentication required for
"{http://www.diligentproject.org/namespaces/..." operation.

This means that the GSI Secure Conversation mechanism is required to invoke the service. To enable it perform following steps.

Set credentials on service stubs

Use following lines to load your proxy credentials and use them to contact the service

import org.diligentproject.dvos.authentication.util.ConfigureSecurity;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredentials;
GSSCredentials cred = ConfigureSecurity.loadProxyCredentials("yourProxyFile");
YourServicePortType port = ...<getPortType>
ConfigureSecurity.setSecurity(((javax.xml.rpc.Stub) port), cred);

Don't forget to add the client-config.wsdd file in the directory where you run the client. You can, instead, add the $GLOBUS_LOCATION as the first entry of your classpath.

Then you should be able to contact your service using your credentials

Get the DL of the caller

Following code allows to extract from credentials the name of the community and the name of the DL where credentials are operating.

org.gridforum.jgss.ExtendedGSSCredential credentials = ...
org.diligentproject.dvos.authentication.util.DILIGENTVomsAttributesReader d;
d = new DILIGENTVomsAttributesReader(credentials);
String communityName = d.getCommunity();
String DLName = d.getDL();
String absoluteDLName = d.getAbsoluteDLName());

The getCommunity() method return the name of the community as String (E.g.: impect).

The getDL() method return the name of the DL as String (E.g.: OceanDL).

The getAbsoluteDLName() method return the absolute name of the DL as String (E.g.: /diligent/impect/OceanDL).

Provide your service with credentials

This step enable your service to authenticating itself in outcoming requests it performs to other services

Register to the local Delegation service

In your service, usually during initialization, you should create a new CredentialsListener and register it to the local DelegationLocalInterface. The listener will be notified when fresh credentials will be received for your service.

Two classes of listeners are available (and others can be implemented by developers if needed). The one to use depends on the scenario adopted by your service (refers to the DILIGENT Security Model page for more information about identity scenario). If your service operates in a single DL it needs only a single copy of credentials. The service does not have to choose the DL where it is operating. If the service operaties in multiple DLs, instead, it needs to choose credentials to use to perform invocations.

If the service operates in a single DL the listener to use is the SingleCredentialsListener one. This listener is able to store only a single copy of credentials, regardless the DL these credentials refers to. The registration in this case looks like the one in the box below.

credentialsListener = new SimpleCredentialsListener();

Previous lines of codes are usually added to the constructor of the class implementing service operations. E.g:

public class VOAdministrationService {
 private SimpleCredentialsListener credentialsListener;
 /* Constructor */
 public VOAdministrationService() throws ResourceContextException, ResourceException {
  this.credentialsListener = new SimpleCredentialsListener();

If the service operates in multiple DLs the listener to use is the MultipleCredentialsListener one. This listener is able to store credentials based on the DL they refers to. The registration in this case looks like the one in the box below.

credentialsListener = new MultipleCredentialsListener();

Previous lines of codes are usually added to the constructor of the class implementing service operations. E.g:

public class VOAdministrationService {
 private MultipleCredentialsListener credentialsListener;
 /* Constructor */
 public VOAdministrationService() throws ResourceContextException, ResourceException {
  this.credentialsListener = new MultipleCredentialsListener();

At this point compile and deploy again your service and restart the container.

Use delegated credentials to invoke services

If the service operates in a single DL then you can get credentials from the listener using the getCredentials() method. As shown in the box below. These credentials can be used to authenticate invocations. E.g:

ExtendedGSSCredentias creds = this.credentialsListener.getCredentials();
ConfigureSecurity.setSecurity(port, creds);

If the service operates in multiple DLs then you can get credentials from the listener using the getCredentials(DLName) method. As you see the name of the DL must be passed to the listener in order to retrieve credentials related to a specific DL. As shown in the box below. E.g:

ExtendedGSSCredentias dlOneCreds = this.credentialsListener.getCredentials(/diligent/ARTE/DL1);
ConfigureSecurity.setSecurity(port, dlOneCreds);

Add Authorization

Create the VO-Handler configuration file

In order to enforce authorization you have to create a mapping between service operations and logical operations. This mapping is keep in the YourServiceHandler.properties in the "etc" directory of your service. For an example see Media:YourServiceHandler.properties

Modify WSSD to add VO-Handler

The WSSD must be modified to enforce authorization using the VOAuthorizationHandler You have to replace the element

<authz value="none"/>

with following content:

<authz value=

Modify WSDD to set handler properties

You have also to tells the VOAuthorization handler where to find the configuration file and the VOMS certificates to verify authorizations. To do this add following lines to your WSDD file:

<parameter name="VOAuthorizationPDP-VOAuthorizationHandlerFile"

<parameter name="VOAuthorizationPDP-VOMSCertificateDirectory" value="/etc/grid-security/vomsdir/*"/>

Now the service part of the authorization is set up. Redeploy your service and restart the container.

Access a service using authorization

In this step you'll try to access the deployed service with a client using authentication and authorization First of all try to contact your service using an authenticated client and a plain proxy, you should get following Axis fault:

... is not authorized to use operation: ... on this service

To access the service with authroization you need to use a certificate containing a VOMS role entitled to perform operation invoked.

Extend DILIGENT authorization

Check for Authorization using the VOQuery API library

Define new authorization handlers