How To Configure Identities For DILIGENT Services

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This page contains useful information for DILIGENT administrators about how to provides deployed services with a valid identity to operates in the DILIGENT infrastructure.

Delegate credentials to MyProxy

Use following command to delegate credentials to MyProxy:

java -host -l yourMyProxyUsername \
put -cert yourPublicCert.pem -key yourPrivateKey.pem

The procedure will ask you the password to decrypt your private key and the password to protect your new myProxyAccount. As myProxyAccount you can use any string still not in use on MyProxy server, or an already existing account, providing the corresponding password.


java -host \
-l roccetti put -cert certs/roccettiCert.pem -key certs/roccettiKey.pem


Create a new Credentials Renewal account

In order to enable the credentials delegation you have to create an account in the credentials renewal service that maps the one existing on MyProxy and contains the information to retrieve credentials.

This can be done through the command line interface provided by the org.diligentproject.dvos.credentials-renewal-api component.

To use this command line interface you need to include dvos.credentials-renewal-api.jar and dvos.credentials-renewal-stubs.jar in your classpath.

To create a new account corresponding to a valid MyProxy account you can use the command:

java org.diligentproject.dvos.credentialRenewal.ui.CredentialRenewalUI -createMyProxyAccount...

Following options are required by the command:

  • -username : The username of the corresponding account on MyProxy
  • -password : The password of the corresponding account on MyProxy


java org.diligentproject.dvos.credentialRenewal.ui.CredentialRenewalUI -createMyProxyAccount \
-username yourMyProxyUsername -password yourMyProxyPassword


Set-up a credentials renewal task

Now you have to instruct the CredentialsRenewal service to periodically get selected credentials from MyProxy and delegate it to a service. You can do this with the following command:

java org.diligentproject.dvos.credentialRenewal.ui.CredentialRenewalUI \
-proxyFile:yourProxyFile \
 /credentialsRenewal/CredentialsRenewalService \
-addCredentialsRenewal -userName:yourMyProxyUsername -password: yourMyProxyPassword \
-credentialsID:org/diligentproject/yourSubsystem/yourService \
-period:5 \

To perform this command you have to provide a valid proxyFile containing the Credentials-Manager role. You can get such a certificate contacting the VOMS server on grids10 using the command:

voms-proxy-init -cert yourPublicCert.pem -key yourPrivateKey.pem \
-out yourProxyFile -voms test_diligent:/diligent/Role=Credentials-Manager

Then selected credentials will be periodically delegated to a service.