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= Introduction =
== The Home Library has been deprecated by the new [https://wiki.gcube-system.org/gcube/StorageHub_REST_API StorageHub Service] ==
Please use the StorageHub service for future developments: https://wiki.gcube-system.org/gcube/StorageHub_REST_API
The Home Library is a library to manage and persist the user home folder that supports file sharing.
Any Home Library user is presented with a personal [https://gcube.wiki.gcube-system.org/gcube/index.php/Workspace Workspace], where users can collaborate, share information, and access project resources using special folders. This module describes the model of Home Library 2.0 and how to use the new API interface.
= Design Model =
The '''design model''' for Home Library identifies a core set of capabilities to work on Jackrabbit content.
The goal of Home Library 2.0 is to expose content in the content repository as HTTP resources, fostering a RESTful style of application architecture. Home Library  2.0 is 10 times faster on average in comparison with the previous version.
The Home Library 2.0 is composed by:
* '''HomeLibrary''': the API interface.
* '''HomeLibrary JCR''': an HomeLibrary implementation based on JCR 2.0 (Java Content Repository [http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=283 JSR 283]).
* '''HomeLibrary WebApp''': a webService built on the top of the Jackrabbit web application.
* '''Home Library Model''': a library to shared information between clients and Web App. It includes ACLType, FolderItemType, NodeProperty, WorkspaceItemType, etc.
== Workspace Items ==
Each element contained in a workspace area is a WorkspaceItem.The workspace items are the effective user objects.
The following figure shows the WorkspaceItem model.
=== Prior HL 2.0 Objects that have been removed===
=== Prior HL 2.0 Objects that have been mapped to the new model (GCubeItem) ===
Use the next section to migrate your components to the new Home Library API.
There is some pattern to know to keep code compatible with new API.
If you were working on '''Document, ImageDocument, Metadata, PDFDocument or UrlDocument''', using new API your are going to work on '''GCubeItem''' that is a generic gCube Object.
But old context and model are still available using the following sections.
Home Library 2.0 API to retrieve Document Objects:
<source lang="java">
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.items.gcube.Document;
Document document = (Document) item;
import org.gcube.common.homelibary.model.items.type.NodeProperty;
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.items.GCubeItem;
GCubeItem document = (GCubeItem) item;
How to retrieve properties:
<source lang="java">
document.getAlternatives(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.ALTERNATIVES.toString());
document.getAnnotation(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.ANNOTATIONS.toString());
document.getCollectionName(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.COLLECTION_NAME.toString());
document.getData(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.DATA.toString());
document.getFolderItemType(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.FOLDER_ITEM_TYPE.toString());
document.getLength(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.SIZE.toString());
document.getMetadata(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.METADATA.toString());
document.getMimeType(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.MIME_TYPE.toString()); 
document.getParts(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.PARTS.toString());
document.getURI(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.OID.toString()); 
document.getWorkflowData(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.WORKFLOW_DATA.toString()); 
document.getWorkflowId(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.WORKFLOW_ID.toString()); 
document.getWorkflowStatus(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.WORKFLOW_STATUS.toString()); 
New Home Library API to retrieve ImageDocument Objects:
<source lang="java">
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.items.gcube.ImageDocument;
ImageDocument document = (ImageDocument) item;
import org.gcube.common.homelibary.model.items.type.NodeProperty;
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.items.GCubeItem;
GCubeItem document = (GCubeItem) item;
To retrieve properties, use the API for Document Object and the following API:
<source lang="java">
document.getHeight(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.IMAGE_HEIGHT.toString()); 
document.getWidth(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.IMAGE_WIDTH.toString()); 
document.getThumbnailHeight(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT.toString());   
document.getThumbnailWidth(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.THUMBNAIL_WIDTH.toString()); 
document.getThumbnail(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.THUMBNAIL_DATA.toString());
document.getThumbnailLength(); -> document.getThumbnail().getSize();
New Home Library API to retrieve Metadata Objects:
<source lang="java">
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.items.gcube.Metadata;
Metadata document = (Metadata) item;
import org.gcube.common.homelibary.model.items.type.NodeProperty;
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.items.GCubeItem;
GCubeItem document = (GCubeItem) item;
To retrieve properties:
<source lang="java">
document.getURI(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.OID.toString()); 
document.getWorkflowData(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.WORKFLOW_DATA.toString()); 
document.getWorkflowId(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.WORKFLOW_ID.toString()); 
document.getWorkflowStatus(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.WORKFLOW_STATUS.toString());
document.getSchemaName(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.SCHEMA.toString());
document.getXML(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.ALTERNATIVES.toString());
document.getCollectionName(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.COLLECTION_NAME.toString());
document.getURI(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.OID.toString()); 
New Home Library API to retrieve PDFDocument Objects:
<source lang="java">
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.items.gcube.PDFDocument;
PDFDocument document = (PDFDocument) item;
import org.gcube.common.homelibary.model.items.type.NodeProperty;
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.items.GCubeItem;
GCubeItem document = (GCubeItem) item;
To retrieve properties, use the API for Document Object and the following API:
<source lang="java">
document.getNumberOfPages(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.NUMBER_OF_PAGES.toString()); 
document.getVersion(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.VERSION.toString()); 
document.getAuthor(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.AUTHOR.toString()); 
document.getTitle(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.PDF_TITLE.toString()); 
document.getProducer(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.PRODUCER.toString()); 
New Home Library API to retrieve UrlDocument Objects:
<source lang="java">
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.items.gcube.UrlDocument;
UrlDocument document = (UrlDocument) item;
import org.gcube.common.homelibary.model.items.type.NodeProperty;
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.items.GCubeItem;
GCubeItem document = (GCubeItem) item;
To retrieve properties, use the API for Document Object and the following API:
<source lang="java">
document.getUrl(); -> document.getProperties().getProperties().get((NodeProperty.URL.toString()); 
=== Properties and Types ===
Properties and Types are in '''Home Library Model''', so update the package as follows:
<source lang="java">
org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceItemType -> org.gcube.common.homelibary.model.items.type.WorkspaceItemType
org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.FolderItemType -> org.gcube.common.homelibary.model.items.type.FolderItemType
org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.accessmanager.ACLType -> org.gcube.common.homelibary.model.items.type.ACLType
== Implementation Framework ==
The '''Home Library 2.0 API''' is a set of components that uses Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content.
Home Library 2.0 uses Java servlets to process HTTP requests in a RESTful way.
Home Library is implemented in terms of the JCR API. The default implementation for Apache Jackrabbit is provided out of the box.
Through code sharing, the framework reduces development costs and ensures the consistency and correctness of library implementations.
== Management Model ==
The core of Home Library 2.0 is a web application built on top of Jackrabbit.
'''Home Library WebApp''' uses Java servlets to process HTTP requests coming from clients.
The servlets are a frontend to the actual operations and they support the following operations:
*retrieve content
*create content
*modify existing content
*remove existing content
*move existing content to a new location
*copy existing content to a new location
= Using Home Library =
To use Home Library 2.0, import the following dependencies:
<source lang="xml">
== Retrieving the user Home ==
Firs of all is necessary to retrieve an instance of '''HomeManagerFactory''', this can be done using the static methods from '''HomeLibrary''' class.
<source lang="java5">
HomeManagerFactory factory = HomeLibrary.getHomeManagerFactory();
Obtained the factory you can retrieve the HomeManager:
<source lang="java5">
HomeManager manager = factory.getHomeManager();
Then we retrieve the User home:
<source lang="java5">
User user = manager.createUser(portalLogin);
Home home = manager.getHome(user);
Where ''portalLogin'' is the user username used to login into the portal (for test you can use any username).
At this point we can get the Workspace with his root:
<source lang="java5">
Workspace ws = home.getWorkspace();
WorkspaceFolder root = ws.getRoot();
There are some example of HomeLibrary use.
== Creating folders ==
====Generate an unique name for a folder item====
To generate an unique item name for a given folder:
<source lang="java5">
// Get a destination folder
WorkspaceFolder destionationFolder = ...
String nameCandidate = "My first item";
String name = WorkspaceUtil.getUniqueName(nameCandidate, destionationFolder);
If an item with name ''My first item'' already exists, a new name ''My first item(n)'' will be assigned to the folder.
=== Create a workspace folder ===
<source lang="java5">
// Get the user workspace
Workspace ws = ...
String name = "MyFolder";
String description = "description";
WorkspaceFolder folder;
if (!ws.exists(name, destinationFolderId))
folder = ws.createFolder(name, description, destinationFolderId);
folder = (WorkspaceFolder) ws.find(name, destinationFolderId);
If the folder "MyFolder" does not exist in the destination folder, it will be created. Otherwise "MyFolder" will be retrieved.
== Creating files ==
=== Create a generic file into a folder===
After retrieving the user workspace root:
<source lang="java5">
// Get a destination folder
WorkspaceFolder destinationFolder = ...
String name = "filename";
String description = "description";
String mimeType = null;
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("/home/user/file.txt");
FolderItem folderItem = WorkspaceUtil.createExternalFile(destinationFolder, name, description, mimeType, is);
If the mimetype is null, it will be automatically detected.
If the file is already in the Storage, the workspace item can be created by storageId:
<source lang="java5">
String storageId = ...
FolderItem folderItem = WorkspaceUtil.createExternalFile(destinationFolder, name, description, mimeType, storageId);
=== Add properties to an item ===
After retrieving the user workspace root:
<source lang="java5">
String name = "key";
String value = "value";
// Get an item
FolderItem folderItem = ...
// Add properties
folderItem.getProperties().addProperty(name, value);
=== Create a gCubeItem ===
<source lang="java5">
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceItem;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
String name = "name";
String description = "description";
List<String> scopes = new ArrayList<String>();
String creator = "test.user";
String itemType = "myType";
Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>();
properties.put("key00", "value00");
properties.put("key01", "value01");
// Get a destination folder id
String destinationFolderId = ...
WorkspaceItem item = ws.createGcubeItem(name, description, scopes, creator, itemType, properties, destinationFolderId);
== Searching items ==
=== Search an item in a specific folder ===
<source lang="java5">
// Get the user workspace
Workspace ws = ...
String name = "test";
String folderId = ws.getRoot().getId();
WorkspaceItem myItem = ws.find(name, folderId);
Subfolders are not included in the search.
=== Search items by name ===
To search items by name on a folder and all its subfolders:
<source lang="java5">
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.search.SearchItem;
// Get the user workspace
Workspace ws = ...
String name = ...
String folderId = ...
// Get SearchItems with a given name in a folder and subfolders
List<SearchItem> myList = ws.searchByName(name, folderId);
=== Search items by mime type ===
To search items by mime type on the user workspace:
<source lang="java5">
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.search.SearchFolderItem;
// Get the user workspace
Workspace ws = ...
String mimetype = "image/jpeg";
// Get SearchFolderItem with a given mimetype
List<SearchFolderItem> myList = ws.searchByMimeType(mimetype);
=== Search items by properties ===
To search items by properties:
<source lang="java5">
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceItem;
// Get the user workspace
Workspace ws = ...
List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
// Get WorkspaceItem that contain certain keys
List<WorkspaceItem> properties = ws.searchByProperties(keys);
=== Advance Search on gCubeItems ===
To search gCubeItems by properties:
<source lang="java5">
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.search.util.SearchQueryBuilder;
// Get the user workspace
Workspace ws = ...
// Create a SearchQuery
SearchQueryBuilder query = new SearchQueryBuilder();
// Get gCubeItems that contain a certain key
// Get gCubeItems where key01 = value01
// Get gCubeItems where type = myType
List<GCubeItem> myItems = ws.searchGCubeItems(query.build());
== Retrieve information about user workspace ==
=== Get the disk usage ===
Get information about the disk space usage:
<source lang="java5">
// Get the user workspace
Workspace ws = ...
long diskUsage = ws.getDiskUsage();
=== Get the total number of items ===
Get information about the total number of items in the user workspace:
<source lang="java5">
// Get the user workspace
Workspace ws = ...
int totalItems = ws.getTotalItems();
== Smart Folders ==
=== Create a Smart Folder ===
To create a smart folder, where the filename includes a certain query, in this case "test":
<source lang="java5">
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceSmartFolder;
// Get the user workspace
Workspace ws = ...
String name = "MySmartFolder";
String description = "My personal smart folder";
String query = "test";
String folderId = ...
WorkspaceSmartFolder mySmartFolder = ws.createSmartFolder(name, description, query, folderId);
If folderId is not null, "test" will be searched just in such folder and all its subfolders, otherwise, it will be searched in the whole workspace.
=== Get all Smart Folders ===
To get all smart folders in the user workspace:
<source lang="java5">
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceSmartFolder;
// Get the user workspace
Workspace ws = ...
List<WorkspaceSmartFolder> smartFolders = ws.getAllSmartFolders()
=== Get all items in a Smart Folder ===
To get all items in a smart folder:
<source lang="java5">
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceSmartFolder;
// Get the smart folder
WorkspaceSmartFolder mySmartFolder = ...
List<? extends SearchItem> list = mySmartFolder.getSearchItems();
=== Remove a Smart Folder ===
To remove a smart folder:
<source lang="java5">
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceSmartFolder;
// Get the smart folder to remove
WorkspaceSmartFolder mySmartFolder = ...

Latest revision as of 11:52, 18 January 2019

The Home Library has been deprecated by the new StorageHub Service

Please use the StorageHub service for future developments: https://wiki.gcube-system.org/gcube/StorageHub_REST_API