GeoPortal Service

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REST Interface

Client Library

Java client library to interact with the service is distributed as maven artifact


The library offers various wrappings of the REST interface, allowing for :

  • Both Custom & Generic management of Profiled Documents ;
  • Both Custom & Generic automatic parsing of JSON communications over REST interface;
  • Transparent authentication and service discovery, thanks to gCube Framework;

Generic Profiled Documents Managers

  • ProfiledDocumentsManagerI : JAVA interface for the management of Profiled Documents.

Custom Concessioni Managers

The library provides the following customized versions of the generic clients in order to manage Concessioni Documents :


Interface for the stateless management of Concessioni Documents. It reflects the contract of the generic REST API. Following snippet shows typical usage :

import static org.gcube.application.geoportal.client.GeoportalAbstractPlugin.mongoConcessioni;
Concessione c=...
//Register New Concessione
// Upload files to Concessione Section by Path (e.g. Relazione)
String mongoId=c.getMongo_id();	
List<TempFile> files=...
AddSectionToConcessioneRequest request=	new AddSectionToConcessioneRequest(Paths.RELAZIONE, files);
client.registerFile(mongoId, request);
// Publish

Interface for the statefull creation of Concessioni Documents. Stateful logic helps client to manage the management of the last loaded/registered Concessione, offering dedicated methods for adding FileSets (e.g. RelazioneScavo) to the current Document.

Following snippet shows typical usage :

import org.gcube.application.geoportal.client.GeoportalAbstractPlugin.statefulMongoConcessioni;
//Obtain the client
ConcessioniManagerI manager=statefulMongoConcessioni().build();
//Create a new Document from scratch
Concessione c = ...
//Adds an UploadedImage to the current document
UploadedImage toRegisterImg= ...
TempFile toUpload=....
manager.addImmagineRappresentativa(toRegisterImg, toUpload);
//Publishes current object

Utility Classes


In order to transfer FileSets to the REST service, an utility class is provided, allowing for the management of infrastructure's TempFiles. Following snippet is a typical usage :

StorageUtils storage=new StorageUtils();
InputStream myPayload=...
String payloadName=...
TempFile toUpload=storage.putOntoStorage(myPayload, payloadName);

Handler Framework