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Revision as of 18:32, 20 May 2019 by Fabio.sinibaldi (Talk | contribs) (HTTP Interface)

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Aim of this service is to describe the implementation of gFeed-Service (for more information refer to GFeed).




Plugins are expected to be found in the service classpath. They are typically distributed as uber-jar and their deployment depends on the hosting container.

To see a complete list of available plugins implemetations please refer to gFeed-Plugins

IS Requirements

The following is a list of minimal requirements for the execution of gFeed Service. Please keep in mind that depending on deployed plugins these requirements may not be enough.

  • Database : the service needs a dedicated DB for its logic and looks in the current context for a DB registered as Service Endpoint with
    • Category : Database
    • Name : Feeder_DB
  • Common configuration : the service loads default plugins configurations from the IS by lookig for a Generic Resource registered as
    • Secondary type : configuration
    • Name : gcat-feeder

HTTP Interface

Following is a list of methods exposed by gFeed HTTP interface. All methods require authentication so keep in mind that a gcube-token is expected. In this section <BASE_URL> stands for http(s)://<HOSTNODE>/gCat-Feeder/gcube/service/ where <HOSTNODE> should be determined by querying the gCube Information System.


Get available collectors

In order to get information on available collectors clients can perform a GET HTTP method on <BASE_URL>/capabilities/collectors. The response is a JSON representation of available collectors.

Get available controllers

In order to get information on available controllers clients can perform a GET HTTP method on <BASE_URL>/capabilities/controllers. The response is a JSON representation of available controllers.



Get submission history

In order to get the history of submitted executions clients can perform a GET HTTP method on <BASE_URL>/execution. The response is a JSON array of reports referring to submitted executions.

Get report

In order to get a report for a specific execution clients can perform a GET HTTP method on <BASE_URL>/execution/<EXECUTION_ID>, where <EXECUTUION_ID> is the id returned from submission method. The following is a report example.