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m (Users and Roles)
Line 1,534: Line 1,534:
* '''''Catalogue_Editor''''' - users with this role are allowed to:
* '''''Catalogue_Editor''''' - users with this role are allowed to:
** View the organization’s private datasets;
** View the organization’s private datasets;
** Add new datasets to the organization;
** Publish new datasets (into the organization);
** Edit or delete the organization’s datasets where it's owner.
** Edit or delete the organization’s datasets he/she is owner of.
* '''''Catalogue_Admin''''' - users with this role are allowed to::
* '''''Catalogue_Admin''''' - users with this role are allowed to::
** View the organization’s private datasets;
** View the organization’s private datasets;
** Add new datasets to the organization;
** Publish new datasets (into the organization);
** Edit or delete any of the organization’s datasets;
** Edit or delete any of the organization’s datasets;
** Make datasets public or private.
** Make datasets public or private.
The default role assigned to every VRE user is ''Catalogue_Member'', i.e. every user of a VRE is entitled to view the private datasets published in the VRE scope in addition to any public dataset. VRE Managers can assign other roles to selected users to enlarge their capabilities.
The default role assigned to every VRE user is ''Catalogue_Member'', i.e. every user of a VRE is entitled to view the private datasets published in the VRE scope in addition to any public dataset. VRE Managers can assign other roles to selected users to enlarge their capabilities.

Revision as of 15:48, 26 September 2016


gCube Data Catalogue

D4Science offers services for seamless access and analysis to a wide spectrum of data including biological and ecological data, geospatial data, statistical data and semi-structured data from multiple authoritative data providers and information systems. These services can be exploited both via web based graphical user interfaces and web based protocols for programmatic access, e.g. OAI-PMH, CSW, WFS, SDMX. This offering nicely complements specific and community-specific applications. The gCube Data Catalogue catalogue contains a wealth of resources resulting from several activities, projects and communities including BlueBRIDGE (www.bluebridge-vres.eu/), i-Marine (www.i-marine.eu), SoBigData.eu (www.sobigdata.eu), and FAO (www.fao.org). All the products are accompanied with rich descriptions capturing general attributes, e.g. title and creator(s), as well as usage policies and licences.

The gCube Data Catalogue is builded using and extending CKAN platform. CKAN is a powerful DMS (data management system) that makes data accessible – by providing tools to streamline publishing, sharing, finding and using data. CKAN is an open-source DMS for powering data hubs and data portals. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data see: http://ckan.org/

CKAN model is made by the following entities (and their relations):

CKAN: 'Entities and Relations'


A Metadata in the gCube Data Catalogue is made by two parts: CKAN's default metadata fields and gCube Metadata Profile.

CKAN's default metadata fields

Those are metadata fields common for all metadata types in the gCube Data Catalogue (and used by default in the CKAN platform).

Label Field Name (API) Definition Guidelines Example
Title* title Name given to the dataset. Short phrase, written in plain language. Should be sufficiently descriptive to allow for search and discovery. Aquaculture Production and Consumption in Africa (2011)
Description description Short description explaining the content and its origins. Description of a few sentences, written in plain language. Should,provide a sufficiently comprehensive overview of the resource for anyone,to understand its content, origins, and any continuing work on it. The,description can be written at the end, since it summarizes key,information from the other metadata fields. This dataset contains attributes of aquaculture production and,consumption for each of Africa’s provinces in 2011. The data was,provided by………
Tags tags An array of Taxonomic terms stored as tags Taxonomic terms Access to education, Bamboo
License* lincese_title the license that applies to published dataset.
Organization* organization Organization the datasets belongs to See list of organizations on


Version version Version of dataset Increase manually after editing 1.0
Author* Owner of dataset The person who created the dataset in the format: Surname, Name Bloggs, Joe
Author Contact Contact details of owner The email or other contact details of the person who created the dataset. joe@example.com
Mantainer Mantainer of the dataset The person or the authority that maintains the dataset A person: Bloggs, Joe. An authority: D4Science


Contact details of mantainer The email or other contact details of the person who maintains the dataset. joe@example.com

mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

gCube Metadata Profile

gCube Metadata Profile defines a Metadata schema XML-based for adding custom metadata fields.

A gCube Metadata Profile is composed by one Metadata Format (<metadataformat>) that contains one or many (<metadatafield>). The schema is the following:

Metadata Profile v.1 (ongoing)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8">
        <defaultValue>default value</defaultValue>
        <note>shown as suggestions in the insert/update metadata form of CKAN</note>
            <!-- ... others vocabulary fields -->
            <regularExpression>a regular expression for validating values</regularExpression>
     <!-- ... others metadata fields -->

It's possible to validate a Metadata Format schema using following DTD v1

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!ELEMENT metadataformat (metadatafield+)>
<!ELEMENT metadatafield (fieldName, mandatory, isBoolean?, defaultValue?, note?, vocabulary?, validator?)>
<!ELEMENT fieldName (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT mandatory (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT isBoolean (#PCDATA)>  <!-- MUST BE (true|false) -->
<!ELEMENT defaultValue (#PCDATA)> 
<!ELEMENT note (#PCDATA)> 
<!ELEMENT vocabulary (vocabularyField+)> 
<!ELEMENT vocabularyField (#PCDATA)> 
<!ELEMENT validator (regularExpression)> 
<!ELEMENT regularExpression (#PCDATA)> 

A possible instance of Metadata Field (<metadatafield>):

Metadata Profile v.2 (coming soon)

In this version:

  • Added datatype field (<datatype>). A valid datatype must be equal to one of the values {String, Time, Time_Interval, Times_ListOf, Text, Boolean, Number}. When data type is not specified the metadata field has default value as "String". DataType values:
    • String: is a string;
    • Time: an instant time that follows the general format: YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM] where: YYYY: 4-digit year, MM: 2-digit month, DD: 2-digit day, [optional HH: 2-digit hour], [optional MM: 2-digit minute] (e.g. "2005-03-01");
    • Time_Interval: a continuous interval instead of a single instant by specifying a start and end time, separated by one '/' ('slash') character (e.g. "2005-03-01/2006-05-11");
    • Times_ListOf: a list of discrete time values, separated by a ',' ('comma') character (e.g. "2005-03-01, 2006-05-11, 2006-05-11-2007-04-12");
    • Text: is a text;
    • Boolean: is True/False;
    • Number: is a valid Java number, see: Apache Commons NumberUtils.isNumber.
  • Added multi selection attribute ('isMultiSelection=true|false') to vocabulary.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		<defaultValue>default value</defaultValue>
		<note>shown as suggestions in the insert/update metadata form of CKAN
		<vocabulary isMultiSelection="true|false">
			<regularExpression>a regular expression for validating values

It's possible to validate a Metadata Format schema using following DTD v2

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!ELEMENT metadataformat (metadatafield+)>
<!ELEMENT metadatafield (fieldName, mandatory, datatype?, defaultValue?, note?, vocabulary?, validator?)>
<!ELEMENT fieldName (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT mandatory (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT dataType (#PCDATA)>  
<!ELEMENT defaultValue (#PCDATA)> 
<!ELEMENT note (#PCDATA)> 
<!ELEMENT vocabulary (vocabularyField+)> 
<!ATTLIST vocabulary isMultiSelection (true|false) "false">
<!ELEMENT vocabularyField (#PCDATA)> 
<!ELEMENT validator (regularExpression)> 
<!ELEMENT regularExpression (#PCDATA)> 

Where datatype element is the enum: {String, Time, Time_Interval, Times_ListOf, Text, Boolean, Number}
Its xml schema:
<xs:element name="dataType">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:enumeration value="String"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="Time"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="Time_Interval"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="Times_ListOf"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="Text"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="Boolean"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="Number"/>

SoBigData.eu: Dataset Metadata

The current list of fields characterising a SoBigData resource is available at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kuhvmDVKpmqt2foyCB9wDo3HgzoAiCuRQ8CjRS-DVOM/edit?usp=sharing

The following fields have been identified:

Field In Catalogue
Internal Fields
Internal Identifier Automatically created
Creation Date Automatically created
Last Modification Automatically updated
General Description
Title Title
<fieldName>External Identifier</fieldName>
<note>This applies only to datasets that have been already published. 
   Insert here a DOI, an handle, and any other Identifier assigned when 
   publishing the dataset alsewhere.</note>
Creators Author is there, unfortunately there is only one author per Dataset. Moreover, the technology supports only key value pairs ... no complex types.
<note>The name of the creator, with email and ORCID. The format should be: family, given[, email][, ORCID]. 
Example: Smith, John, js@acme.org, orcid.org//0000-0002-1825-0097
   <regularExpression>^[a-zA-Z .'-]+, [a-zA-Z .'-]+[, ]*([a-zA-Z0-9_!#$%’*+=?`{|}~^.-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)?[, ]*(orcid.org\/\/0000-000(1-[5-9]|2-[0-9]|3-[0-4])\d\d\d-\d\d\d[\dX])?$</regularExpression>
Creation Date
<note>The date of creation of the dataset (different from the date of registration of the dataset automatically added by the system). Use ISO 8601 Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD[ HH:MM] Ex. 1998-11-10 or 2015-05-29 11:55
   <regularExpression>^(\d{4}\-(0?[1-9]|1[012])\-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]))+([ ]+(\d{2}(:?\d{2})?)?)?$</regularExpression>
Distributor Maintainer


Publication Date when the dataset is published in the repository ... no field have to be specified;
Contact Maintainer email
Thematic Cluster
<note>The SoBigData.eu Thematic Clusters
   <vocabularyField>Text and Social Media Mining</vocabularyField> 
   <vocabularyField>Social Network Analysis</vocabularyField> 
   <vocabularyField>Human Mobility Analytics</vocabularyField> 
   <vocabularyField>Web Analytics</vocabularyField> 
   <vocabularyField>Visual Analytics</vocabularyField> 
   <vocabularyField>Social Data</vocabularyField> 
<note>Sub-community specific</note>
Semantic Coverage
<fieldName>Semantic Coverage</fieldName>
<note>Tagging e.g. people, cities, transports...</note>
Time Coverage Start Date
<note>List of time intervals, e.g. 1977-03-10 11:45 - 2005-01-15 09:10; 2010-03-10 00:00 - 2015-01-15 10:00</note>
Time Coverage End Date not needed see above
Geo Location
<note>The value must be a valid GeoJSON geometry, for example:
      "coordinates":[[[2.05827, 49.8625],[2.05827, 55.7447], [-6.41736, 55.7447], [-6.41736, 49.8625], [2.05827, 49.8625]]]
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [-3.145,53.078]

More on GeoJSON geometry.


Shall we go for a Topic too? I think so.

<note>Whether primary or secondary dataset. 
<note>Virtual (accessible in streaming from remote sites), replica (copy of data in remote sites, e.g. DBPL), 
   original (collection of data produced and kept in local infra by data provider).
<note>The primary language of the resource (using ISO 639-3). You can see ISO 639 Code Tables here: http://www-01.sil.org/iso639-3/codes.asp
 <vocabularyField>Abai Sungai, abf</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abanyom, abm</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abar, mij</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abau, aau</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abaza, abq</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abé, aba</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abellen Ayta, abp</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abidji, abi</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abinomn, bsa</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abipon, axb</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abishira, ash</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abkhazian, abk</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abom, aob</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abon, abo</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abron, abr</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abu, ado</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abu' Arapesh, aah</vocabularyField>
 <vocabularyField>Abua, abn</vocabularyField>
Description Description
<note>Insert a complete reference to an associated work.   
RelatedDataset TBD
Accessibility properties
<note>How the access to the resource is regulated: Virtual Access or Trans National Access.
      <vocabularyField>Virtual Access</vocabularyField>
      <vocabularyField>Trans National Access</vocabularyField>
<note>How the access to the resource is offered.  
   <vocabularyField>OnLine Access</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>API Access</vocabularyField>
Privacy TBD
Technical properties
<note>Whatever “size” means in your domain/mind
<note>In MB
<note>MIME or extension
<note>Link to Schema
Legally and Ethical Aspects
Personal Data
<fieldName>Personal Data</fieldName>
<note>The dataset contains personal data?</note>
Personal sensitive data
<fieldName>Personal Sensitive Data</fieldName>
<note>The dataset contains personal sensitive data?</note>
     <vocabularyField>N/A (Not Available)</vocabularyField>
Data set contains data of children
<note>The dataset contains children data?</note>
Consent of the data subject
<fieldName>Consent of the data subject</fieldName>
<note>Consent of the data subject. Data subject signifies his agreement to personal data relating to him being processed</note>
Consent obtained also covers the envisaged transfer of the personal data outside the EU
<fieldName>Consent obtained also covers...</fieldName>
<note>Consent obtained also covers the envisaged transfer of the personal data outside the EU</note>
Personal data was manifestly made public by the data subject
<fieldName>Personal data was manifestly...</fieldName>
<note>Personal data was manifestly made public by the data subject</note>
Data Protection Directive
<fieldName>Data Protection Directive</fieldName>
<note>Report the law or protocol number and the institution related to Data Protection</note>
Intellectual properties
<note>Whether dataset is covered by any rights: copyright, related rights, database right, know how, proprietary, etc.</note>
Link to the source Resource
License License
Link to the license Automatic
Field/Scope of use
<fieldName>Field/Scope of use</fieldName>
   <vocabularyField>Any use</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>Non-commercial only</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>Research only</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>Non-commercial research only</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>Private use</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>Use for developing and providing a service</vocabularyField>
Basic rights
<fieldName>Basic rights</fieldName>
   <vocabularyField>Temporary download of a single copy only</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>Making available to the public</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>Other rights</vocabularyField>
Restrictions on use
<fieldName>Restrictions on use</fieldName>
<note>Any restrictions on how where the dataset may be used </note>
Prohibited actions
Sublicense rights
<fieldName>Sublicense rights</fieldName>
<note>Any restrictions on how where the dataset may be used</note>
Attribution requirements
<fieldName>Attribution requirements</fieldName>
<note>The text exporting how the user needs to acknowledge the source when using/distributing data/developing service</note>
Display requirements
<fieldName>Display requirements</fieldName>
<note>Whether the user, when displaying the dataset in any media or form, must follow certain display requirements, e.g. attach copyright notice</note>
Distribution requirements
<fieldName>Distribution requirements</fieldName>
<note>Whether the user, when distributing the dataset, if allowed, must follow certain requirements</note>
Territory of use
<fieldName>Territory of use</fieldName>
<note>In what territory dataset may be used</note>
<vocabularyField>World Wide</vocabularyField>
<vocabularyField>Bosnia and Herzegovina</vocabularyField>
<vocabularyField>Czech Republic</vocabularyField>
<vocabularyField>Faroe Is.</vocabularyField>
<vocabularyField>San Marino</vocabularyField>
<vocabularyField>United Kingdom</vocabularyField>
<vocabularyField>Vatican City</vocabularyField>
License term
<fieldName>License term</fieldName>
<note>Period of time during which the dataset may be used. Use ISO 8601 Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD[ HH:MM] Ex. 1998-11-10 or 2015-05-29 11:55</note>
   <regularExpression>^(\d{4}\-(0?[1-9]|1[012])\-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]))+([ ]+(\d{2}(:?\d{2})?)?)?$</regularExpression>
Requirement of non-disclosure

(confidentiality mark)

<fieldName>Requirement of non-disclosure (confidentiality mark)</fieldName>
<note>Requirement of non-disclosure (confidentiality mark). Whether the dataset bears confidentiality mark/may be used and shared subject to the obligation of non-disclosure</note>

SoBigData.eu: Method Metadata

The current list of fields characterising a SoBigData resource is available at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kuhvmDVKpmqt2foyCB9wDo3HgzoAiCuRQ8CjRS-DVOM/edit?usp=sharing

The following fields have been identified:

Field In Catalogue
Internal Fields
Internal Identifier Automatically created
Creation Date Automatically created
Last Modification Automatically updated
General Description
Title Title
<fieldName>External Identifier</fieldName>
<note>This applies only to methods that have been already published. 
   Insert here a DOI, an handle, and any other Identifier assigned when 
   publishing the dataset alsewhere.</note>
Creators Author is there, unfortunately there is only one author per item. Moreover, the technology supports only key value pairs ... no complex types.
<note>The name of the creator, with email and ORCID. The format should be: family, given[, email][, ORCID]. 
Example: Smith, John, js@acme.org, orcid.org//0000-0002-1825-0097
   <regularExpression>^[a-zA-Z .'-]+, [a-zA-Z .'-]+[, ]*([a-zA-Z0-9_!#$%’*+=?`{|}~^.-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)?[, ]*(orcid.org\/\/0000-000(1-[5-9]|2-[0-9]|3-[0-4])\d\d\d-\d\d\d[\dX])?$</regularExpression>
Creation Date
<note>The date of creation of the dataset (different from the date of registration of the dataset automatically added by the system). Use ISO 8601 Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD[ HH:MM]
Ex. 1998-11-10 or 2015-05-29 11:55
   <regularExpression>^(\d{4}\-(0?[1-9]|1[012])\-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]))+([ ]+(\d{2}(:?\d{2})?)?)?$</regularExpression>
Distributor Maintainer
<note>The name of the owner, with email and ORCID. The format should be: family, given[, email][, ORCID]. 
Example: Smith, John, js@acme.org, orcid.org//0000-0002-1825-0097
   <regularExpression>^[a-zA-Z .'-]+, [a-zA-Z .'-]+[, ]*([a-zA-Z0-9_!#$%’*+=?`{|}~^.-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)?[, ]*(orcid.org\/\/0000-000(1-[5-9]|2-[0-9]|3-[0-4])\d\d\d-\d\d\d[\dX])?$</regularExpression>
Publication Date when the method is published in the catalogue ... no field have to be specified;
Contact Maintainer email
Thematic Cluster

Shall we go for a Topic too? I think so.

<note>The SoBigData.eu Thematic Clusters
   <vocabularyField>Text and Social Media Mining</vocabularyField> 
   <vocabularyField>Social Network Analysis</vocabularyField> 
   <vocabularyField>Human Mobility Analytics</vocabularyField> 
   <vocabularyField>Web Analytics</vocabularyField> 
   <vocabularyField>Visual Analytics</vocabularyField> 
   <vocabularyField>Social Data</vocabularyField> 
<note>Sub-community specific</note>
Semantic Coverage
<fieldName>Semantic Coverage</fieldName>
<note>Tagging e.g. people, cities, transports...</note>
Usage mode
<note>How the method is expected to be accessed 
   <vocabularyField>as-a-Service by SoBigData Infrastructure</vocabularyField> 
   <vocabularyField>as-a-Service by third party infrastructure</vocabularyField> 
methodURL As a Resource
documentationURL As a Resource
<note>See WPS 
<note>See WPS 
Description Description
<note>Insert a complete reference to an associated work.   
RelatedDataset TBD
RelatedMethod TBD
Accessibility properties
<note>How the access to the resource is regulated: Virtual Access or Trans National Access.
   <vocabularyField>Virtual Access</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>Trans National Access</vocabularyField>
<note>How the access to the resource is offered.  
   <vocabularyField>OnLine Access</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>API Access</vocabularyField>
Technical properties
Programming Language
<note>The primary language used to implement the method.    
Hosting Environment
<fieldName>Hosting Environment</fieldName>
<note>E.g. Linux, Microsoft Azure, Amazon EC2
Source code As a Resource
Artifact repository As a Resource
Dependencies on Other SW
<fieldName>Dependencies on Other SW</fieldName>
<note>E.g. this sowftware requires an Hadoop cluster to run
Intellectual properties
<note>Whether software is covered by any rights: copyright, related rights, know how, proprietary, etc.</note>
License License
Link to the license Automatic
Field/Scope of use
<fieldName>Field/Scope of use</fieldName>
   <vocabularyField>Any use</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>Non-commercial only</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>Research only</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>Non-commercial research only</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>Private use</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>Use for developing and providing a service</vocabularyField>
Basic rights
<fieldName>Basic rights</fieldName>
   <vocabularyField>Temporary download of a single copy only</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>Making available to the public</vocabularyField>
   <vocabularyField>Other rights</vocabularyField>
Restrictions on use
<fieldName>Restrictions on use</fieldName>
<note>Any restrictions on how where the dataset may be used </note>
Prohibited actions
Sublicense rights
<fieldName>Sublicense rights</fieldName>
<note>Any restrictions on how where the dataset may be used</note>
Attribution requirements
<fieldName>Attribution requirements</fieldName>
<note>The text exporting how the user needs to acknowledge the source when using/distributing data/developing service</note>
Display requirements
Distribution requirements
<fieldName>Distribution requirements</fieldName>
<note>Whether the user, when distributing the dataset, if allowed, must follow certain requirements</note>
Territory of use
<fieldName>Territory of use</fieldName>
<note>In what territory dataset may be used</note>
<vocabularyField>World Wide</vocabularyField>
<vocabularyField>Bosnia and Herzegovina</vocabularyField>
<vocabularyField>Czech Republic</vocabularyField>
<vocabularyField>Faroe Is.</vocabularyField>
<vocabularyField>San Marino</vocabularyField>
<vocabularyField>United Kingdom</vocabularyField>
<vocabularyField>Vatican City</vocabularyField>
License term
<fieldName>License term</fieldName>
<note>Period of time during which the dataset may be used. Use ISO 8601 Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD[ HH:MM] Ex. 2016-07-31 or 2015-05-10 12:00</note>
   <regularExpression>^(\d{4}\-(0?[1-9]|1[012])\-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]))+([ ]+(\d{2}(:?\d{2})?)?)?$</regularExpression>
Requirement of non-disclosure

(confidentiality mark)

<fieldName>Requirement of non-disclosure (confidentiality mark)</fieldName>
<note>Requirement of non-disclosure (confidentiality mark). Whether the dataset bears confidentiality mark/may be used and shared subject to the obligation of non-disclosure</note>

Ckan Connector

Geo Harvesting

This extension contains plugins like ckanext-geonetwork (and others) which add geospatial capabilities to CKAN.

Several harvesters to import geospatial metadata (like ISO 19139 format) into CKAN from other sources have been created in gCube Data Catalogue. In particular all metadata created into gCube Geonetwork (GeoNetwork is the catalog application to manage spatially referenced resources generated into D4Science Infrastructure) are harvested through the 'Geoentwork Resolver' a "middle tier" able to:

Mapping (among fields) from an ISO19139 Metadata to Ckan Dataset via ckanext-geonetwork is showed in the following table:

ISO19139 Ckan Dataset
Title Title
Description Description
Digital Transfer Option Data and Resource
gmd:url URL
gmd:name Name
gmd:description Description
Descriptive Keywords
gmd:keyword Tag
Additional Info
bbox, metadata language, age,

reference system, etc.


Geo Datasets

In order to make a dataset queryable by location (geospatial dataset), a special extra must be defined, with its key named ‘spatial’. The value must be a valid GeoJSON geometry, for example:

  "coordinates":[[[2.05827, 49.8625],[2.05827, 55.7447], [-6.41736, 55.7447], [-6.41736, 49.8625], [2.05827, 49.8625]]]

[Note: the polygon must be closed]


  "type": "Point",
  "coordinates": [-3.145,53.078]

GeoJSON Format Specification are available here: http://geojson.org/geojson-spec.html Datasets with spatial values are automatically geo-indexed, for example so that they can be searched using spatial filters.

GeoSpatial search for datasets: via API or Search Widget

Once your datasets are geo-indexed, you can perform spatial queries by bounding box (coordinates format is [LONG, LAT]), via the following API call:


If the bounding box coordinates are not in the same projection as the one defined in the database, a CRS must be provided, in one of the following forms:


Otherwise default bounding box is 4326. CKAN Wiki page for Legacy API

Moreover, you can perform spatial queries using an integrated map widget available on CKAN, which allows filtering results by an area of interest. You can try it on D4Science Data Catalogue

CKAN Wiki page for Spatial Search Widget

Users and Roles

Three roles are envisaged to capture the actions users are allowed to execute by the catalogue in the context of each VRE:

  • Catalogue_Member - users with this role are allowed to:
    • View the organization’s private datasets.
  • Catalogue_Editor - users with this role are allowed to:
    • View the organization’s private datasets;
    • Publish new datasets (into the organization);
    • Edit or delete the organization’s datasets he/she is owner of.
  • Catalogue_Admin - users with this role are allowed to::
    • View the organization’s private datasets;
    • Publish new datasets (into the organization);
    • Edit or delete any of the organization’s datasets;
    • Make datasets public or private.

The default role assigned to every VRE user is Catalogue_Member, i.e. every user of a VRE is entitled to view the private datasets published in the VRE scope in addition to any public dataset. VRE Managers can assign other roles to selected users to enlarge their capabilities.