Databases Manager Tutorial

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The Databases Manager WebApp allows you to Submit Queries (and therefore retrieve information) to any of the Relational Databases registered in the Infrastructure, if you are entitled to.

DBManager 1.png

Fig. 1 - A Screenshot of the Databases Manager WebApp showing the available Databases in the Infrastructure on the left.

Databases Resources

The Databases Resources panel shows the Databases (DBs) available in the infrastructure. By clicking on one of the item in the panel (a DB) in the related "Database Information" panel the following info are shown:

  • Database Name
  • URL
  • Driver name
  • Dialect Name

Fig. 1 shows a DB named "testdb" opened in the Database Information Panel. Specifically a DB hosted in a PostgreSQL environment.

By clicking on a DB the SubmitQuery button gets activated. It is also possible to see the list of the table names present in a DB by clicking on the "Tables List" button located on the very top-left corner, see Fig. 2.

DBManager 2.png

Fig. 2 - A Screenshot of the Databases Manager WebApp showing the list of the available tables of a selected DB.

Navigating Tables of a DB