Data Assessment, Harmonisation, and Certification Facilities

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The iMarine EA Community of Practice works on a wide range of data types with different sources and targets; our main objective is to let the user consume this data in an uniform and useful way. Data retrieved using different format and protocol is harmonizated and assessed using the service offered by this area and by the one already present in the system.

In order to meet the requirements a number of components have been designed.

This document outlines the design rationale and high-level architecture of such components.

Key Features

The components part of the subsystem provide the following main key features:

Pluglable data consumption services
the data consumption service follow a plugin architecture where the plugin provide access to a type of datasource
Component reuse
Components are designed to be reused in different services
Geospatial data production in OGC standard format
Geospatial data can be returned to invoking clients in a OGC standard format
Species Occurrence points enrichment harmonization and reconciliation
species occurrence points can be associated to environmental data. Moreover they can be merged when coming from different data sources.
Single access point for geospatial data retrieval
A single access point service can be used to retrieve geospatial data.
General purpose tabular data processing
A set of services provide a tabular data flow mechanism and a set of components for tabular data visualization.
Data mining operation on species data
Occurrence data can be processed, clustered and hidden information can be extracted by means of data mining operations.

Main Components

the Tabular Data
this family of components provides a tabular data flow mechanism and a set of components for tabular data visualization.
the Occurrence Data Reconciliation
this family of components provides a service for performing assessment and harmonization on occurrence points of species.
the Taxon Names Reconciliation Service