DJRA1.1 Report on Knowledge Ecosystem Supporting Technology Development

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Revision as of 18:50, 2 July 2010 by Manuele.simi (Talk | contribs) (Development Version)

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This deliverable documents the gCube technology by reporting on the overall status of the system architecture, the per service tasks and enhancements, and other technical details needed to have a comprehensive understanding of the developed knowledge ecosystem enabling technology. The deliverable is implemented through a Wiki page to be easily and promptly adapted to reflect the actual status of the developed system.

Development State

This section reports on the current maintenance and upgrade activities on the gCube system by making an extensive use of TRAC's living reports created for this purpose.

The closed actions are recorded through TRAC (report #ZZ)

The planned actions are recorded through TRAC (report #29)

The closed maintenance activities are recorded through TRAC (report #YY)

The open maintenance activities are recorded through TRAC (report #XX)

Code Metrics

This section will describe and link the JRA Indicators

Code Statistics

This section will report various tables and charts describing the project development.


Development Version

D4ScienceII relies on the ETICS system to automate the way its software (gCube and gCore) is built and tested. In particular, the project has put in place mechanisms to perform daily builds of the latest version of the code committed in the project source code repository. This activity leads to the production of (i) a report of the build activity and (ii) a set of software artifacts including the software package, the source code and the documentation.

JRA1 is responsible for managing the development version (namely HEAD) of these reports and artifacts.

gCube gCore
Build Report Build Report
Development Version (Login is required) Latest Version (Login is required)