Continuous Integration: Releases Manager

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The Release Manager is in charge of:

Jenkins Activities

Configure the Pipeline

A release file must be created for each new Jenkins release.

Launch the Pipeline

In Jenkins:

  1. select the gCubeRelease project
  2. on the left side, click on 'Build with Parameters'
  3. select the type of build we want to generate in the choice menu
  4. input the release version to build (must match the release file name and the version reported in the file itself). E.g. 4.14.5.
  5. click on the 'Build' button

CI ReleaseManager launch.png

Type of Build

The Pipeline project can be launched in 4 different ways (Type parameter):

  • SNAPSHOT-DRY-RUN (default)
build snapshot artifacts, install the artifacts in a local repo, do not deploy
build snapshot artifacts, install the artifacts in a local repo, deploy the artifacts to the gcube-snapshots Maven Repository
build release artifacts, install the artifacts in a local repo, do not deploy
build release artifacts, install the artifacts in a local repo, deploy to the gcube-staging-jenkins Maven Repository
build release artifacts, install the artifacts in a local repo, deploy the artifacts to the gcube-releases Maven Repository

The idea behind these builds is that the Release Manager can test the full pipeline execution with the DRY-RUN builds. Once all the projects in the build work, the SNAPSHOT or RELEASE build can be launched to effectively deploy the artifacts on the remote Maven Repository.

Monitor the Execution

As any other job execution, the pipeline can be monitored step-by-step in the Console Output page of the ongoing build:

CI Pipeline Output.png

In addition, the Pipeline steps page (also accessible from the build page) shows the various steps and links to the other builds executed within the pipeline:

CI Pipeline Steps.png

Stages Report

At least one “stage” section must be defined on the “stages” section of the pipeline. It will contain the work that the pipeline will execute. Stages must be named accordingly since Jenkins will display each of them on its interface, as shown here:

CI Pipeline Execution.png

Pipeline Activities

The Release Manager has to work on the Jenkins Pipeline configuration according to each release's requirements. Here are some sample activities:

  • add/remove groups
  • add/remove components to/from groups
  • keep the agent label in sync with Jenkins config
  • keep maven jdk in sync with Jenkins config

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