Accounting Portlet ABANDONED

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This portlet allows the users of the infrastructure to view the accounting information (based on the resources consumption and collected by the services) both in a report form (aggregated data) and is raw form (single accounting information).

Below is shown the overall layout of the Accounting Portlet:

File:Accounting portlet overall.jpg


The purpose of the portlet is to have the views and the data customized by the user roles and the scopes, avoiding to present all accounting records as the first glance and showing some reports by resource type. For each report there are filter and aggregation options. In particular, for each resource type is possible to select a specific report. Besides, for each resource type all the options related to the data filtering and/or aggregation are specific.

Below is shown an example of the available reports for the Task resource type:

Accounting portlet reports menu.png

Timeline graph

This is the main section of the portlet. A user can select different zoom options, slide the graph moving the cursor at the bottom or dragging the graph.

File:Accounting portlet timeline graph.jpg

In the up-right side there is the “Aggregation By” option. This section allows the user to change the aggregation granule of the report. Below the graph there is the button to show raw accounting data used to generate the accounting report.


This menu shows the context information of the user logged in on the portlet. According to the user’s roles, in the Context section is shown a subsection for each Infrastructure/VO/VRE where the user is manager/admin. Besides, is always shown the subsection “My Dashboard” which covers the set of the accounting information where the user is directly involved.

File:Accounting portlet context menu.jpg

Time period

This section allows the user to select a time range of interest for the accounting report. The default value is the last month.

File:Accounting portlet time period.jpg

Dimensions and filters

Each report/graph data can be filtered either on some common dimensions for all the available resource types and on some specific dimensions. Each resource type has a contextual section of filters. The following menu allows users to select values of these filters clicking the related Select button.

File:Accounting portlet dimensions filters.jpg

The left side of the “Dimension and Filters” section allows the user to select, through a radio button, a dimension that will be shown in the graph (by different colors). If the user select "No dimension" option, only filters will be used to build the graph, without showing dimension.

The filter selection is guided by a popup that shows both a pie chart and a table which representing the rating information of the selected filter. These information are useful to more easily select the values ​​on which to apply the selected filter. Indeed, this representation shows at a first glance the values ​​in descending order, then allows the user to understand the “resource” consumption against a particular field.

File:Accounting portlet pie chart.jpg

Below is shown an example of timeline graph with selected dimension and filters:

File:Accounting portlet timeline graph example.jpg

Each line represents a combination of three factors: report type, selected dimension and selected filters. In this example is represented a Task Network Traffic report, with resourceOwner as dimension and the set {“john.gerbesiotis”, “fabio.simeoni”, “pasquale.pagano”} as filters.


  1. Install Vaadin Control Panel for Liferay portlet (vaadin-controlpanel-for-liferay.war)
  2. The menu path for Vaadin Control Panel is Manage → Control Panel → Vaadin File:Accounting portlet vaadin control.jpg
  3. Use Vaadin Control Panel to update Vaadin to version 6.8.12 File:Accounting portlet vaadin version.jpg
  4. Copy libraries below to following path /home/portal/tomcat-6.0.29/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib/
    • ButtonGroup-1.2.jar
    • flexibleoptiongroup-1.1.0.jar
    • VaadinVisualizations2.1.jar
    • gwt-visualization.jar
  5. Click on [re-scan] in Vaadin Control Panel
  6. Select ButtonGroup 1.2, FlexibleOptionGroup 1.1.0 and VisualizationsForVaadin 1.1.2 File:Accounting portlet vaadin addons.jpg
  7. Click on Manage Additional Dependencies and select the dependency gwt-visualization.jar File:Accounting portlet vaadin additional deps.jpg
  8. Click on Compile Widget Set
  9. Install the accounting portlet