GeoFence library

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This section aims to describe the Geofence library in order to help developers to manage users, groups, rules and instances in Geofence server. After configuring between Geofence server with GeoServer, for instance, it's possible create an user in Geofence and automatically it's possible to login (with this user) in GeoServer. Following is a list of methods, with all details to uderstand how invoke them.


Parameters List :

  • "geofenceRestUrl" : [String value] The URL of Geofence instance;

Invocation example
GeoFence gf = new GeoFence("http://geofenceRestUrl/");

User section

getUserById(String id)

Parameters List :

  • "id" : [String value] It's the userId of user you are looking for;

Invocation example

String id = ...;
GSUser user = gf.getUserById(id);
String userName = user.getName();

getUserByUsername(String userName)

Parameters List :

  • "userName" : [String value] It's the name of user you are looking for;

Invocation example

String userName = ...;
GSUser user = gf.getUserByUsername(userName);
String id = user.getId();

Group section