DEPRECATED - REMOVE IT SmartGears gHN Installation
As described in detail in in the dedicated section of the gCube Developer's Guide, SmartGears is a set of Java libraries that turn Servlet-based containers and applications into gCube resources, in a transparent way.
In this guide, we show how administrators and site-managers can install SmartGears and manage the installation.
The following are prerequisite for a SmartGears installation:
J2SE 1.6 update 4 SDK
or greater. Oracle's reference implementation is recommended, but versions from IBM, HP, or BEA should work equally well.
GNU tar
to install the SmartGears gHN from archived distributions.
- An existing installation of one of the available Servlet Containers
The following are pre-requisites for the operation of a SmartGears-based gHN in any infrastructure:
- A static IP address and preferably a DNS name.
The SmartGears gHN is available as archived distribution from the gCube Nexus Maven repository. ( link). Once downloaded the distribution can be expanded in any location of the filesystem. The distribution contains all the relevant files and in particular the install script, which performs the real installation of SmartGears within the servlet container.
In order to install the distribution a new folder should be created to store the gHN state. This folder should be also configured on the environment as GHN_HOME. In case the specified folder is not present the script is going to create it on the system
usage: install [-d <distro directory>] -s tomcat|<lib directory> -a [app directory] [-g gHN directory] [-x|-h] <distro directory> = the directory with the distribution of SmartGears XXX. By default, this is the parent directory of this script. <lib directory> = the directory with libraries shared by all applications in the target container. <app directory> = the directory with all the applications in the target container. <gHN directory> = the directory with logs and files related to the gCube Hosting Node. By default, this is value of the GHN_HOME env var. tomcat = Sets <lib directory> and <app directory> for a target Tomcat container. x = dry run. h = shows this help.
The following parameters have to be provided to the script for each servlet container except for Tomcat:
- -a <app directory> : is the folder where applications are stored in the container
- -s <lib directory> : is the folder where the shared libraries of the container are stored.
in the case of Tomcat container the option -s tomcat will automatically do the installation ( env var CATALINA_HOME should be correctly set)
The other optional parameters are meant to :
- -s <distro directory>: specifies the folder where the Smargears distribution has been downloaded.
- -g <gHN directory> : specifies the gHN folder if not provided trough GHN_HOME var
- -x : perform a dry run : checks that the specified options are fine without performing a real installation
In order to upgrade an existing SmartGears gHN installation the download script has been provided to contact the gCube Nexus Repository. The script is available from $GHN_HOME/scipts/download and it has this options:
usage: download [-v <version>] [-o <folder>] [-s|-h] <version> = the version to download. = By default, this is the latest known version. s = download a snapshot version. <folder> = download to specific folder. h = shows this help.
The SmartGears gHN serialises locally on the disk the information published on the gCube Information system ( gHN and RunningInstance profiles), in particular:
- gHN profile is serialised in the file $GHN_HOME/state'/ghn.xml
- Apps profiles are serialised in the file $GHN_HOME/state/<app-name>/endpoint.xml
scripts are available in order to clean the state of the gHN ( both gHN and single app) and are quite useful in the case of reinstallation or development.
Clean gHN state
The script $GHN_HOME/scripts/clean-container-state can be used in order to clean the whole gHN state:
usage: clean-container-state [-g <ghn_home>] [-h] <ghn_home> = the gHN directory. h = shows this help.
Clean App state
The script $GHN_HOME/scripts/clean-app-state can be executed in order to clean the state of a single app:
usage: clean-app-state -a <app_name> [-g <ghn_home>] [-h] <app-name> = the application name whose state has to be cleaned <ghn_home> = the gHN directory. h = shows this help.
Configuring the Environment
The only environment configuration needed by the SmartGears gHN is the location of the gHN home folder, therefore the environment should be properly configured to set the GHN_HOME var to point to that folder.
Configuring the gHN
The configuration of the SmartGears gHN that relates to its operation within the infrastructure can be found in $GHN_HOME/container.xml
The following properties are available for configuration:
either offline or online depending on whether the gHN does or does not publish information in the infrastructure.
the hostname of the container to be published on the infrastructure. |
the port of the container to be published on the infrastructure. |
the name of the infrastructure in which the gHN operates. (e.g. gcube , d4science ,...).
the VO[s] that the gHN joins. |
an alternative folder where the gHN and apps state are maintained. |
an arbitrary property with name/value attributes |
the two-character ISO code of the Country where the gHN is located. |
the name of the location. |
the longitude of the gHN. |
the latitude of the gHN. |
how often the gHN has to refresh its profile on the IS (in seconds). |
an example of container descriptor can be found at [1]
Configuring Logging
Please refer to the SmartGears development guide section on logging [2]
Supporting resource encryption/decryption