SPQL: SPecies Query Language
From Gcube Wiki
SPQL is a language used to query the Species Product Discovery Service
query: terms (IN identifiers)? (WHERE expressions)? (RETURN returnExpression)? terms: term (',' term)* term: words AS (('ScientificName'|'SN') | ('CommonName'|'CN')) words: word (',' word)* word : STRING identifiers: identifier (',' identifier)* identifier: ID expressions: expression (AND expression)* expression: (bc=boundCondition | dateCondition) boundCondition: ('lowerBound' | 'upperBound') IS coordinate dateCondition: ('fromDate' | 'toDate') IS date date: INT '/' INT '/' INT coordinate: FLOAT ',' FLOAT returnExpression: '*' (havingExpression)? | 'Occurrence' | 'Taxon' havingExpression: HAVING 'Occurrence' | 'Taxon'
SPQL 2.0
SEARCH BY term [, ...] [ IN datasource [, ...] ] [ WHERE condition [AND condition] ] [ RETURN Product | Occurrence | Taxon ] [ HAVING having expression ]
Where term can be one of:
CN common name RESOLVE [ WITH datasource [, ...] ] [EXPAND [ WITH datasource [, ...] ] ] SN scientific name [ RESOLVE [ WITH datasource [, ...] ] ] [EXPAND [ WITH datasource [, ...] ] ]