Resource Registry Service - Context Management

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This sections provide information regarding how to interact with Resource Registry Service for Context and Schema Port Type. REST API are presented for each functionality. Java libraries for these port types are currently under development and will be document as soon as available.

Please note that the provided examples can intentionally hide some details in the response to avoid unneeded complexity.

Context Management

It is responsible for managing Context belonging to the same Application Domain.

Security configuration based on Authorization Framework make this port type accessible only from Resource Manager. In other words no others client is allowed to manage Context rather than Resource Manager.

Context requirements:

  • No predefined number of levels.
  • Possibility to change the name of the Context with no impact for any component.
  • Possibility to move a Context from a parent Context to another.

Available Methods:

Any action made to Contexts succeed if the following requirements are guaranteed:

  • Two Context with same name can exist but only if they have different parents. The operation which will try to obtain a Context with the same name to the same parent will fails with no effect.
  • Any operation made in any Context has effect only to the Context. In other words, there will be no effect on the associated Entity and Relations.

At time of writing this port type is only accessible by using REST API. Resource Registry Context Client (java client) is under development.


PUT /resource-registry/context


Create new Context as child of another Context (if any).


Name Type Required Description
name String true The name of the context.
parentContextId String (UUID) false The UUID of the parent Context if any


Code Type Description
200 String The json representation of the Context.

Example 1

Create a new Context with name gcube with no parent. It is a ROOT Context.

Request URL

PUT /resource-registry/context?name=gcube

Response Body

	"header": {
		"creationTime":"2017-03-17 11:47:55",
		"lastUpdateTime":"2017-03-17 11:47:55"

Example 2

Create a new Context with name devsec as child of Context with UUID 2705dd32-c857-444b-818a-3ec69e339e5d (gcube)

Request URL

PUT /resource-registry/context?name=devsec&parentContextId=2705dd32-c857-444b-818a-3ec69e339e5d

Response Body

	"header": {
		"creationTime":"2017-03-17 11:47:56",
		"lastUpdateTime":"2017-03-17 11:47:56"

Create a new Context with name devVRE as child of Context with UUID 30f6254c-c87a-451e-bc0f-7cfcbd94a84a (devsec)

Request URL


Response Body

	"header": {
		"creationTime":"2017-03-17 11:47:57",
		"lastUpdateTime":"2017-03-17 11:47:57"

If you try to create again a Context with name gcube with no parent. You will obtain a 400 Bad Request HTTP error

Request URL

PUT /resource-registry/context?name=gcube

Response Body

    "@class": "ContextCreationException",
    "message": "A root context with the same name (gcube) already exist"

This will happen anytime you try to create a context with the same name, having the same parent, of an existing Context.


GET /resource-registry/context/{UUID}


Return the definition of the Context identified by the UUID provided as path parameter.


Name Type Required Description
{Path Parameter} String (UUID) true The UUID of the target context.


Code Type Description
200 String The json representation of the context.


Read the Context having UUID 9d73d3bd-1873-490c-b0a7-e3c0da11ad52

Request URL

GET /resource-registry/context/9d73d3bd-1873-490c-b0a7-e3c0da11ad52

Response Body

	"header": {
		"creationTime":"2017-03-17 11:47:56",
		"lastUpdateTime":"2017-03-17 11:52:56"


POST /resource-registry/context/rename/{UUID}


Rename a Context identified by the UUID provided as path parameter to the new name provided as query parameter.


Name Type Required Description
{Path Parameter} String (UUID) true The UUID of the target context.
name String true The new name of the target context.


Code Type Description
200 String The json representation of the context.


Rename a Context 9d73d3bd-1873-490c-b0a7-e3c0da11ad52 (was devVRE) to the new name devNext.

Request URL

POST /resource-registry/context/rename/9d73d3bd-1873-490c-b0a7-e3c0da11ad52?name=devNext

Response Body

	"header": {
		"creationTime":"2017-03-17 11:47:56",
		"lastUpdateTime":"2017-03-17 11:52:56"


POST /resource-registry/context/move/{{UUID}}


Move a Context identified by the UUID provided as path parameter as child of the Context provided as query parameter.


Name Type Required Description
{Path Parameter} String (UUID) true The UUID of the target Context
parentContextId String (UUID) true The parent Context UUID


Code Type Description
200 String The json representation of the context.


Rename a Context 9d73d3bd-1873-490c-b0a7-e3c0da11ad52 as child of the Context 761d9e99-a4dc-4838-9b16-4bf73813b625

Request URL

POST /resource-registry/context/move/9d73d3bd-1873-490c-b0a7-e3c0da11ad52?parentContextId=761d9e99-a4dc-4838-9b16-4bf73813b625

Response Body

	"header": {
		"creationTime":"2017-03-17 11:47:56",
		"lastUpdateTime":"2017-03-17 11:52:56"


DELETE /resource-registry/context/{{UUID}}


Delete the Context identified by the UUID provided as path parameter.


Name Type Required Description
{Path Parameter} String (UUID) true The UUID of the target Context


Code Type Description
200 String NO CONTENT


Delete the Context having UUID 9d73d3bd-1873-490c-b0a7-e3c0da11ad52

Request URL

DELETE /resource-registry/context/9d73d3bd-1873-490c-b0a7-e3c0da11ad52

Schema Management

At time of writing this port type is only accessible by using REST API. Resource Registry Schema Client (java client) is under development.

Type Definition

Any Type is described by the following attributes:

  • name (String): Type Name
  • description (String): The description of the Type. default=null.
  • abstractType (Boolean): Indicate if the type is abstract so that it cannot be instatiated. In other words only subtypes of this type can be isntantiated. default=false.
  • superclasses (List<String>): The list of all supertypes of this type. Multiple Inheritance is supported.
  • Zero o more Properties


Any Property is described by the following attributes:

  • name : Property Name
  • type : The Type of the Property (e.g. String, Integer, ...). See Property Type
  • description : The description of the Property. default=null.
  • mandatory : Indicate if the Property is mandatory. default=false.
  • readOnly : The Property cannot change its value. default=false.
  • notNull : Whether the property must assume a value diverse from 'null' or not. default=false
  • max : default=null
  • min : default=null
  • regexpr : A Regular Expression to validate the property value, default=null. A good online tool for regex is avalable at
Property Type Mapping

Property Type are mapped to and integer to be used in property definition:

Type binder is defined here: [1]

Type Integer Mapping Java type Description
Boolean 0 java.lang.Boolean or boolean Handles only the values True or False.
Integer 1 java.lang.Integer or int or java.math.BigInteger 32-bit signed Integers.
Short 2 java.lang.Short or short Small 16-bit signed integers.
Long 3 java.lang.Long or long Big 64-bit signed integers.
Float 4 java.lang.Float or float Decimal numbers
Double 5 java.lang.Double or double Decimal numbers with high precision.
Date 6 java.util.Date Any date with the precision up to milliseconds.
String 7 java.lang.String Any string as alphanumeric sequence of chars.
Binary 8 java.lang.Byte[] or byte[] Can contain any value as byte array.
Embedded 9 ? extends org.gcube.informationsystem.model.embedded.Embedded This is an Object contained inside the owner Entity and has no Header. It is reachable only by navigating the owner Entity.
Embedded list 10 List<? extends org.gcube.informationsystem.model.embedded.Embedded> List of Objects contained inside the owner Entity and have no Header. They are reachable only by navigating the owner Entity.
Embedded set 11 Set<? extends org.gcube.informationsystem.model.embedded.Embedded> Set (no duplicates) of Objects contained inside the owner Entity and have no Header. They are reachable only by navigating the owner Entity.
Embedded map 12 Map<String, ? extends org.gcube.informationsystem.model.embedded.Embedded> Map of Objects contained inside the owner Entity and have no Header. They are reachable only by navigating the owner Entity.
Byte 17 java.lang.Byte or byte Single byte. usesful to store small 8-bit signed integers.

Type Creation

PUT /resource-registry/schema/{ Type Name } 


Allow to create new Entity or Relation or Embedded Type.


Name Type Required Description
Type Name String true The name of the new type to create


Code Type Description
200 String The json representation of the newly created type (which is the same of the request)


Resource Type Creation
PUT /resource-registry/schema/Actor

Request Body

	"description":"Any entity (human or machine) playing an active role.",
	"abstractType":true, /* If the Resource cannot be instantiated */
	"superclasses":["Resource"], /* Resource or any registered specialization. */
	"properties":null /* MUST be null. The Resource cannot have any property. */
Facet Type Creation
PUT /resource-registry/schema/ContactFacet

Request Body

	"description":"This facet is expected to capture contact information",
	"abstractType": false,
			"description":"First Name",
			"type":7 /* String*/
			"description": "A restricted range of RFC‑822 compliant email address. ... ",
			"type":7 /* String */
IsRelatedTo Type Creation
PUT /resource-registry/schema/Hosts

Request Body

	"description": "…”,
ConsistsOf Type Creation
PUT /resource-registry/schema/HasContact

Request Body

Embedded Type Creation
PUT /resource-registry/schema/AccessPolicy

Request Body

			"type": 9  /* Embedded */
			"mandatory": false,
			"type":7 /* String */

Read Type Definition

GET /resource-registry/schema/{ Type Name } 


Allow to read Type Definition


Name Type Required Description
Type Name String true The name of the type you want to retrieve the definition


Code Type Description
200 String The json representation of the newly created type


Resource Type
GET /resource-registry/schema/Actor


	"description":"Any entity (human or machine) playing an active role.",
Facet Type
GET /resource-registry/schema/ContactFacet


	"description":"This facet is expected to capture contact information",
	"abstractType": false,
			"description":"First Name",
			"type":7 /* String*/
			"description": "A restricted range of RFC‑822 compliant email address. ... ",
			"type":7 /* String */
IsRelatedTo Type
GET /resource-registry/schema/Hosts


	"description": "…”,
ConsistsOf Type
GET /resource-registry/schema/HasContact


Embedded Type
GET /resource-registry/schema/AccessPolicy


			"type": 9  /* Embedded */
			"mandatory": false,
			"type":7 /* String */