GIS Interface
The GIS-Interface is a java library which exposes methods to access / modify spatial data and related metadata. The library is designed to rely on GeoNetwork and GeoServer registered in the infrastructure.
The library relies on org.gcube.spatial-data.geonetwork (see GeoNetwork library) to interact with geonetwork. Interaction with GeoServer REST interface is based on functionalities exposed by geoserver-manager, developed by GeoSolutions under MIT License.
The library
The library is a maven artifact with the following coordinates :
<groupId></groupId> <artifactId>gis-interface</artifactId>
It relies on the GeoNetwork library for the interaction with GeoNetwork servers, and exploits functionalities implemented by geosolution's library :
<groupId>it.geosolutions</groupId> <artifactId>geoserver-manager</artifactId> <version>1.5.2</version>
It basically :
- Interacts with the infrastructure's IS to gather access information to both GeoServer and GeoNetwork instance(s)
- Wraps geoserver-manager functionalities for accessing/modifying data on a given Geoserver instance,
- Implements high level logic by coordinating publication of both data and metadata on the Spatial Data Infrastructure in the current scope.
The offered functionalities are accessible by instatiating the java class, via its static method
public static GISInterface get() throws Exception
Interaction with the Spatial Data Infrastructure
The library relies on the interfaces inside the package to interact with the REST interface of a given GeoServer instance. While GET methods are offered to clients just by letting them access an instance of GeoServerRESTReader class, PUT (for creating, modifying and deleting purposes) methods are redefined and offered by the class GISInterface. This lets the library coordinate the modification of both data/metadata thus granting consistency inside the SDI.
GeoServer Discovery
gCube SDI storage facilities enables the use of multiple GeoServer instances. Each of these instances must be registered in the IS as ServiceEndpoint with category Gis and platform name GeoServer.
Using the library
Functionalities of this library can be exploited using instance methods. To obtain instances of this class use the static method public static GISInterface get().
Read API
To access and read data from a GeoServer instance, one needs to get an instance of in one of the following ways :
//Use the most unload GeoServer from infrastructure, after refreshing cached list GISInterface.get().getGeoServerReader(ResearchMethod.MOSTUNLOAD, true); //Get Access to a particular GeoServer instance GISInterface.get().getGeoServerReader("url","user","password"); //Get Access to a particular GeoServer instance without authentication GISInterface.get().getGeoServerReader("url");
Information on the available GeoServer instances in the current scope are mapped in GeoServerDescriptor beans that can be obtained with the following methods :
//Get full ordered set of available GeoServers GISInterface.get().getGeoServerDescriptorSet(boolean forceRefresh) //Get current selected GeoServer GISInterface.get().getCurrentGeoServerDescriptor()
Publish API
To modify both data and metadata registered in the SDI, one should use the instance methods exposed by the class GISInterface. This grants the client a complete interaction with both GeoServer and GeoNetwork servers, assuring consistency between data and metadata. The following code shows how to publish a layer from a table already created on a postgis database. Please note that the Database must already registered onto the GeoServer instance as a store inside the workspace the user is willing to publish the layer into.
import; import; ... String scope="..."; String toPublishTable="..."; String datastore="..."; String defaultStyle="..."; String workspace="..."; GSFeatureTypeEncoder fte=new GSFeatureTypeEncoder(); fte.setEnabled(true); fte.setLatLonBoundingBox(-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0, crs); fte.setName(toPublishTable); fte.setNativeCRS(crs); GSLayerEncoder le=new GSLayerEncoder(); le.setDefaultStyle(defaultStyle); le.setEnabled(true); //See metadata generation section in this page ScopeProvider.instance.set(scope); GcubeISOMetadata meta=... GISInterface gis=GISInterface.get(); PublishResponse resp=gis.publishDBTable(workspace, datastore, fte, le, meta.getMetadata(), "datasets", "_none_", LoginLevel.DEFAULT);
GS Parameters
We decided not to override some parameter classes like GSLayerEncoder and GSFeatureTypeEncoder. So please refer to the geoserver-manager library's official documentation.
GeoNetwork and GIS Metadata
Publishing of GIS metadata is made using library. Please refer to GeoNetwork library for further details.
Report classes
The results, status and contingent error messages of modifying operations are wrapped into the classes and, both extending class. Please refere to their javadoc pages for further information.