GIS Interface
From Gcube Wiki
The GIS-Interface is a java library which exposes methods to access / modify spatial data and related metadata. The library is designed to rely on GeoNetwork and GeoServer registered in the infrastructure.
The library relies on org.gcube.spatial-data.geonetwork (see GeoNetwork library) to interact with geonetwork. Interaction with GeoServer REST interface is based on functionalities exposed by geoserver-manager, developed by GeoSolutions under MIT License.
The library
The library is a maven artifact with the following coordinates :
<groupId></groupId> <artifactId>gis-interface</artifactId>
It relies on the GeoNetwork_library for the interaction with GeoNetwork servers, and exploits functionalities implemented by geosolution's library :
<groupId>it.geosolutions</groupId> <artifactId>geoserver-manager</artifactId> <version>1.5.2</version>