XML Indexer
From Gcube Wiki
The XMLIndexer factory Service allow to create a GenericXMLIndexerService and a MetadataXMLIndexerService. The GenericXMLIndexerService is not implemented yet. A MetadataXMLIndexer operate over a collection of homogeneus XML documents bound to a specific MetadataCollection, this indexer can be populated, updated, recreated and queried.
Implementation Overview
XMLIndexer consist of two parts:
- MetadataXMLIndexer
MetadataXMLIndexer provides the functionalities to retrieve, update, store MetadataElements into Metadata Collections.
The Service expose the following operations:
- AddElements(Documents[]) --> void<tt>
This operation take a list of Documents and adds them to the current collection. A Document is a pair of id and a String representation of the XMLDocument. This operation can be used to update elements already stored given the same ids.
- AddElements(Documents[]) --> void<tt>
=== Usage Examples ===